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Switch info flags

Used by switch_info_t::flags. More...


#define SWI_SPARSE   0x00000001
 sparse switch (value table present), otherwise lowcase present
#define SWI_V32   0x00000002
 32-bit values in table
#define SWI_J32   0x00000004
 32-bit jump offsets
#define SWI_VSPLIT   0x00000008
 value table is split (only for 32-bit values)
#define SWI_USER   0x00000010
 user specified switch (starting from version 2)
#define SWI_DEF_IN_TBL   0x00000020
 default case is an entry in the jump table. More...
#define SWI_JMP_INV   0x00000040
 jumptable is inversed. More...
#define SWI_SHIFT_MASK   0x00000180
 use formula (element<<shift) + elbase to find jump targets
#define SWI_ELBASE   0x00000200
 elbase is present (otherwise the base of the switch segment will be used)
#define SWI_JSIZE   0x00000400
 jump offset expansion bit
#define SWI_VSIZE   0x00000800
 value table element size expansion bit
#define SWI_SEPARATE   0x00001000
 create an array of individual elements (otherwise separate items)
#define SWI_SIGNED   0x00002000
 jump table entries are signed
#define SWI_CUSTOM   0x00004000
 custom jump table. More...
#define SWI_INDIRECT   0x00010000
 value table elements are used as indexes into the jump table (for sparse switches)
#define SWI_SUBTRACT   0x00020000
 table values are subtracted from the elbase instead of being added
#define SWI_HXNOLOWCASE   0x00040000
 lowcase value should not be used by the decompiler (internal flag)
#define SWI_STDTBL   0x00080000
 custom jump table with standard table formatting. More...
#define SWI_DEFRET   0x00100000
 return in the default case (defjump==BADADDR)
#define SWI_SELFREL   0x00200000
 jump address is relative to the element not to ELBASE
#define SWI_JMPINSN   0x00400000
 jump table entries are insns. More...
#define SWI_VERSION   0x00800000
 the structure contains the VERSION member

Detailed Description

Used by switch_info_t::flags.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define SWI_DEF_IN_TBL   0x00000020

default case is an entry in the jump table.

This flag is applicable in 2 cases:

  • The sparse indirect switch (i.e. a switch with a values table) {jump table size} == {value table size} + 1. The default case entry is the last one in the table (or the first one in the case of an inversed jump table).
  • The switch with insns in the jump table. The default case entry is before the first entry of the table.
    See also the find_defjump_from_table() helper function.


#define SWI_JMP_INV   0x00000040

jumptable is inversed.

(last entry is for first entry in values table)


#define SWI_CUSTOM   0x00004000

custom jump table.

processor_t::create_switch_xrefs will be called to create code xrefs for the table. Custom jump table must be created by the module (see also SWI_STDTBL)


#define SWI_STDTBL   0x00080000

custom jump table with standard table formatting.

ATM IDA doesn't use SWI_CUSTOM for switches with standard table formatting. So this flag can be considered as obsolete.


#define SWI_JMPINSN   0x00400000

jump table entries are insns.

For such entries SHIFT has a different meaning. It denotes the number of insns in the entry. For example, 0 - the entry contains the jump to the case, 1 - the entry contains one insn like a 'mov' and jump to the end of case, and so on.