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Parser token types

See token_t::type. More...


const lxtype lx_end = 1
 no more tokens
const lxtype lx_ident = 2
const lxtype lx_number = 3
 long constant
const lxtype lx_string = 4
 string constant (token_t.chr != 0 => unicode string)
const lxtype lx_char = 5
 char constant
const lxtype lx_typename = 6
 user-defined type
const lxtype lx_float = 7
 IEEE floating point constant.
const lxtype lx_int64 = 8
 int64 constant
const lxtype lx_key = 128
 keywords start. More...

Detailed Description

See token_t::type.

All separators have their ASCII codes as lxtype

Variable Documentation

◆ lx_key

const lxtype lx_key = 128

keywords start.

All keys are lx_key + keynum.
Two-char separators are: (c1 + (c2 << 8)).
Three-char separators:

  • "<<=" = ('<' + ('<'<<8)) + '='
  • ">>=" = ('>' + ('>'<<8)) + '='