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netnode.hpp File Reference

Functions that provide the lowest level public interface to the database. Namely, we use Btree. To learn more about BTree: More...


struct  altadjust_visitor_t
 visitor to be used by altadjust2 to skip the adjustment of some altvals More...
class  netnode
 Definition of the IDA database node. More...


#define BADNODE   nodeidx_t(-1)
 A number to represent a bad netnode reference.


typedef uint64 nodeidx64_t
typedef uint32 nodeidx32_t
typedef nodeidx32_t nodeidx_t


 CASSERT (sizeof(netnode)==4)
Helper functions

They should not be called directly! See netnode

idaman bool ida_export netnode_check (netnode *, const char *name, size_t namlen, bool create)
idaman void ida_export netnode_kill (netnode *)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_start (netnode *)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_end (netnode *)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_next (netnode *)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_prev (netnode *)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_get_name (nodeidx_t num, qstring *out)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_rename (nodeidx_t num, const char *newname, size_t namlen)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_valobj (nodeidx_t num, void *buf, size_t bufsize)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_valstr (nodeidx_t num, char *buf, size_t bufsize)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qvalstr (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_set (nodeidx_t num, const void *value, size_t length)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_delvalue (nodeidx_t num)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_altval (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t alt, int tag)
idaman uchar ida_export netnode_charval (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t alt, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_altval_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman uchar ida_export netnode_charval_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_supval (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t alt, void *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_supstr (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t alt, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qsupstr (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, nodeidx_t alt, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_supset (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t alt, const void *value, size_t length, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_supdel (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t alt, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_lower_bound (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t cur, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_supfirst (nodeidx_t num, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_supnext (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t cur, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_suplast (nodeidx_t num, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_supprev (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t cur, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_supval_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, void *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_supstr_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qsupstr_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_supset_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, const void *value, size_t length, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_supdel_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_lower_bound_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_supfirst_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_supnext_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_suplast_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_supprev_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, uchar alt, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_supdel_all (nodeidx_t num, int tag)
idaman int ida_export netnode_supdel_range (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t idx1, nodeidx_t idx2, int tag)
idaman int ida_export netnode_supdel_range_idx8 (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t idx1, nodeidx_t idx2, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_hashval (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, void *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_hashstr (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qhashstr (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, const char *idx, int tag)
idaman nodeidx_t ida_export netnode_hashval_long (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_hashset (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, const void *value, size_t length, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_hashdel (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_hashfirst (nodeidx_t num, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qhashfirst (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_hashnext (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qhashnext (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, const char *idx, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_hashlast (nodeidx_t num, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qhashlast (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_hashprev (nodeidx_t num, const char *idx, char *buf, size_t bufsize, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qhashprev (nodeidx_t num, qstring *buf, const char *idx, int tag)
idaman size_t ida_export netnode_blobsize (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t start, int tag)
idaman void *ida_export netnode_getblob (nodeidx_t num, void *buf, size_t *bufsize, nodeidx_t start, int tag)
idaman ssize_t ida_export netnode_qgetblob (nodeidx_t num, bytevec_t *buf, size_t elsize, nodeidx_t start, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_setblob (nodeidx_t num, const void *buf, size_t size, nodeidx_t start, int tag)
idaman int ida_export netnode_delblob (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t start, int tag)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_inited (void)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_is_available (void)
idaman size_t ida_export netnode_copy (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t count, nodeidx_t target, bool move)
idaman size_t ida_export netnode_altshift (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t from, nodeidx_t to, nodeidx_t size, int tag)
idaman size_t ida_export netnode_charshift (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t from, nodeidx_t to, nodeidx_t size, int tag)
idaman size_t ida_export netnode_supshift (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t from, nodeidx_t to, nodeidx_t size, int tag)
idaman size_t ida_export netnode_blobshift (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t from, nodeidx_t to, nodeidx_t size, int tag)
idaman void ida_export netnode_altadjust (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t from, nodeidx_t to, nodeidx_t size, bool(idaapi *should_skip)(nodeidx_t ea))
idaman void ida_export netnode_altadjust2 (nodeidx_t num, nodeidx_t from, nodeidx_t to, nodeidx_t size, altadjust_visitor_t &av)
idaman bool ida_export netnode_exist (const netnode &n)


const int MAXNAMESIZE = 512
 Maximum length of a netnode name. WILL BE REMOVED IN THE FUTURE.
const int MAX_NODENAME_SIZE = 32*1024
 Maximum length of a name. We permit names up to 32KB-1 bytes.
const int MAXSPECSIZE = 1024
 Maximum length of strings or objects stored in a supval array element.
const uchar atag = 'A'
 Array of altvals.
const uchar stag = 'S'
 Array of supvals.
const uchar htag = 'H'
 Array of hashvals.
const uchar vtag = 'V'
 Value of netnode.
const uchar ntag = 'N'
 Name of netnode.
const uchar ltag = 'L'
 Links between netnodes.
const int NETMAP_IDX = 0x100
const int NETMAP_VAL = 0x200
const int NETMAP_STR = 0x400
const int NETMAP_X8 = 0x800
const int NETMAP_V8 = 0x1000
const int NETMAP_VAL_NDX = 0x2000

Detailed Description

Functions that provide the lowest level public interface to the database. Namely, we use Btree. To learn more about BTree:

We do not use Btree directly. Instead, we have another layer built on the top of Btree. Here is a brief explanation of this layer.

An object called "netnode" is modeled on the top of Btree. Each netnode has a unique id: a 32-bit value (64-bit for ida64). Initially there is a trivial mapping of the linear addresses used in the program to netnodes (later this mapping may be modified using ea2node and node2ea functions; this is used for fast database rebasings). If we have additional information about an address (for example, a comment is attached to it), this information is stored in the corresponding netnode. See nalt.hpp to see how the kernel uses netnodes. Also, some netnodes have no corresponding linear address (however, they still have an id). They are used to store information not related to a particular address.

Each netnode _may_ have the following attributes:

  • a name: an arbitrary non-empty string, up to 255KB-1 bytes
  • a value: arbitrary sized object, max size is MAXSPECSIZE
  • altvals: a sparse array of 32-bit values. indexes in this array may be 8-bit or 32-bit values
  • supvals: an array of arbitrary sized objects. (size of each object is limited by MAXSPECSIZE) indexes in this array may be 8-bit or 32-bit values
  • charvals: a sparse array of 8-bit values. indexes in this array may be 8-bit or 32-bit values
  • hashvals: a hash (an associative array). indexes in this array are strings values are arbitrary sized (max size is MAXSPECSIZE)

Initially a new netnode contains no information at all so no disk space is used for it. As you add new information, the netnode grows.

All arrays that are attached to the netnode behave in the same manner. Initially:

  • all members of altvals/charvals array are zeroes
  • all members of supvals/hashvals array are undefined

If you need to store objects bigger that MAXSPECSIZE, please note that there are high-level functions to store arbitrary sized objects in supvals. See setblob/getblob and other blob-related functions.

You may use netnodes to store additional information about the program. Limitations on the use of netnodes are the following:

  • use netnodes only if you could not find a kernel service to store your type of information
  • do not create netnodes with valid identifier names. Use the "$ " prefix (or any other prefix with characters not allowed in the identifiers for the names of your netnodes. Although you will probably not destroy anything by accident, using already defined names for the names of your netnodes is still discouraged.
  • you may create as many netnodes as you want (creation of an unnamed netnode does not increase the size of the database). however, since each netnode has a number, creating too many netnodes could lead to the exhaustion of the netnode numbers (the numbering starts at 0xFF000000)
  • remember that netnodes are automatically saved to the disk by the kernel.

Advanced info:

In fact a netnode may contain up to 256 arrays of arbitrary sized objects (not only the 4 listed above). Each array has an 8-bit tag. Usually tags are represented by character constants. For example, altvals and supvals are simply 2 of 256 arrays, with the tags 'A' and 'S' respectively.