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input_event_t Struct Reference

A representation of a user input. More...

#include <kernwin.hpp>


struct  input_event_keyboard_data_t
struct  input_event_mouse_data_t
struct  input_event_shortcut_data_t

Public Attributes

int cb
 size marker
input_event_kind_t kind
 the kind of event
input_event_modifiers_t modifiers
 current keyboard (and mouse) modifiers
TWidget * target
 the target widget
void * source
 the source event, should it be required for detailed inform (e.g., a QEvent in the GUI version of IDA)
union {
   input_event_shortcut_data_t   shortcut
   input_event_keyboard_data_t   keyboard
   input_event_mouse_data_t   mouse

Detailed Description

A representation of a user input.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: