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range64vec_t Struct Reference

Inherits qvector< range64_t >.

Public Member Functions

const range64_tfind_range (uint64 off) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from qvector< range64_t >
 qvector (void)
 qvector (const qvector< range64_t > &x)
 Constructor - creates a new qvector identical to 'x'.
 qvector (qvector< range64_t > &&x) noexcept
 Move constructor.
 ~qvector (void)
void push_back (const range64_t &x)
 Append a new element to the end the qvector.
void push_back (range64_t &&x)
 Append a new element to the end the qvector with a move semantics.
range64_tpush_back (void)
 Append a new empty element to the end of the qvector. More...
void pop_back (void)
 Remove the last element in the qvector.
size_t size (void) const
 Get the number of elements in the qvector.
bool empty (void) const
 Does the qvector have 0 elements?
const range64_toperator[] (size_t _idx) const
 Allows use of typical c-style array indexing for qvectors.
range64_toperator[] (size_t _idx)
 Allows use of typical c-style array indexing for qvectors.
const range64_tat (size_t _idx) const
 Get element at index '_idx'.
range64_tat (size_t _idx)
 Get element at index '_idx'.
const range64_tfront (void) const
 Get the first element in the qvector.
range64_tfront (void)
 Get the first element in the qvector.
const range64_tback (void) const
 Get the last element in the qvector.
range64_tback (void)
 Get the last element in the qvector.
void qclear (void)
 Destroy all elements but do not free memory.
void clear (void)
 Destroy all elements and free memory.
qvector< range64_t > & operator= (const qvector< range64_t > &x)
 Allow assignment of one qvector to another using '='.
qvector< range64_t > & operator= (qvector< range64_t > &&x) noexcept
 Move assignment operator.
void resize (size_t _newsize, const range64_t &x)
 Resize to the given size. More...
void resize (size_t _newsize)
 Same as resize(size_t, const T &), but extra space is filled with empty elements.
void resize_noinit (size_t _newsize)
void grow (const range64_t &x=range64_t())
 Add an element to the end of the qvector, which will be a new T() if x is not given.
size_t capacity (void) const
 Get the number of elements that this qvector can contain - not the same as the number of elements currently in the qvector (size())
void reserve (size_t cnt)
 Increase the capacity of the qvector. More...
void truncate (void)
 Shrink the capacity down to the current number of elements.
void swap (qvector< range64_t > &r) noexcept
 Replace all attributes of this qvector with that of 'r', and vice versa. More...
range64_textract (void)
 Empty the qvector and return a pointer to it's contents. More...
void inject (range64_t *s, size_t len)
 Populate the qvector with dynamic memory. More...
bool operator== (const qvector< range64_t > &r) const
 Allow ability to test the equality of two qvectors using '=='.
bool operator!= (const qvector< range64_t > &r) const
 Allow ability to test equality of two qvectors using '!='.
iterator begin (void)
 Get an iterator that points to the first element in the qvector.
const_iterator begin (void) const
 Get a const iterator that points to the first element in the qvector.
iterator end (void)
 Get an iterator that points to the end of the qvector (NOT the last element)
const_iterator end (void) const
 Get a const iterator that points to the end of the qvector (NOT the last element)
iterator insert (iterator it, const range64_t &x)
 Insert an element into the qvector at a specified position. More...
iterator insert (iterator it, range64_t &&x)
 Insert an element into the qvector with a move semantics.
iterator insert (iterator it, it2 first, it2 last)
 Insert a several elements to the qvector at a specified position. More...
iterator erase (iterator it)
 Remove an element from the qvector. More...
iterator erase (iterator first, iterator last)
 Remove a subset of the qvector. More...
iterator find (const range64_t &x)
 Find an element in the qvector. More...
const_iterator find (const range64_t &x) const
 Find an element in the qvector. More...
ssize_t index (const range64_t &x) const
 Find index of the specified value or return -1.
void add (const range64_t &x)
 Add an element to the end of the qvector.
void add (range64_t &&x)
bool has (const range64_t &x) const
 Does the qvector contain x?
bool add_unique (const range64_t &x)
 Add an element to the end of the qvector - only if it isn't already present. More...
bool del (const range64_t &x)
 Find an element and remove it. More...
const char * dstr (void) const

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from qvector< range64_t >
typedef range64_t value_type
 the type of objects contained in this qvector
typedef range64_titerator
typedef const range64_tconst_iterator

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