The IDA patfind plugin

The IDA patfind plugin Just raw binary data at address 0x00000AC While IDA excels at extracting useful information from all sorts of binary files, it may happen that some unstructured binary files (e.g., firmwares, raw memory dumps, …) throw it off the rails, and the user needs to kickstart autoanalysis by figuring out some sort of […]

Halloween challenge

The Hex-Rays Halloween Challenge It is almost Halloween, and this year we have decided to celebrate it with a challenge! Solve the challenge correctly, and if you’re quick enough to be within the first five, you will get an exclusive Halloween-themed IDA T-shirt. Before we continue, we would like to make you aware of some essential rules: This […]

A consortium of investors acquires Hex-Rays

Hex-Rays has been acquired by a consortium of investors led by Smartfin, a leading European venture capital and private equity investor, and including co-investors SFPIM and SRIW. Ilfak Guilfanov, the founder of Hex-Rays, also reinvests a substantial amount in the new structure. Over the past 10 years, Hex-Rays’ revenues have […]

IDA 8.1 released

Hex-Rays team is thrilled to announce the release of IDA version 8.1! As with every release, IDA Pro and IDA Home gained many new features and enhancements, including: Private Lumina server New icons Golang regabi support Sunsetting IDA for 32-bit binaries (IDA32) and more See full updates here: How to request the new versions As usual, the new versions of IDA Pro […]

Hex-Rays launches a Beta Program!

In the past, we have worked with various beta testers that helped us shape our products by trying out our pre-release versions. Today, we are launching our Beta Program initiative with the idea of building a community of enthusiasts who would regularly take an active part in the evolution […]

Igor’s tip of the week: Season 02

In August 2020, we started blog series called “Igor’s tip of the week.” These blog posts aim to help you better work with IDA & Decompilers. Over the years, his pieces of advice have become very popular, and our natural response was to make them even more accessible and easy to read. That’s […]

IDA 8.0 Service Pack 1 released

IDA Service Pack 1 (SP1) for IDA 8.0 is now available. This new release fixes a few issues that might have affected some users. How to request the new versions All new versions are free for users with an active support plan. Please use the “Help > Check for free update” menu item in IDA. It is also […]

IDA Teams: Documentation published

We have recently announced the launch of IDA Teams, our new product that allows teams of analysts to work together. The heart of IDA remains unchanged, but your team now has better tools to publish their discoveries to the rest of the colleagues and benefit from the work done by other group members. To better […]

IDA 8.0: Qt 5.12.2 sources & build scripts

A handful of our users have already requested information regarding the Qt 5.15.2 build, that is shipped with IDA 8.0. The Qt sources used by IDA are: based on Qt 5.15.2, to which the KDE Qt5 patch collection has been added, plus a few custom patches/fixes Rebuilding Qt from source In order to obtain compatible libs, the simplest way forward […]