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funcs.hpp File Reference

Routines for working with functions within the disassembled program. More...


struct  regarg_t
 Register argument description. More...
class  func_t
 A function is a set of continuous ranges of addresses with characteristics. More...
class  lock_func
 Helper class to lock a function pointer so it stays valid. More...
class  lock_func_with_tails_t
class  func_tail_iterator_t
 Class to enumerate all function tails sorted by addresses. More...
class  func_item_iterator_t
 Class to enumerate all function instructions and data sorted by addresses. More...
class  func_parent_iterator_t
 Class to enumerate all function parents sorted by addresses. More...


#define FUNC_NORET   0x00000001
 Function doesn't return.
#define FUNC_FAR   0x00000002
 Far function.
#define FUNC_LIB   0x00000004
 Library function.
#define FUNC_STATICDEF   0x00000008
 Static function.
#define FUNC_FRAME   0x00000010
 Function uses frame pointer (BP)
#define FUNC_USERFAR   0x00000020
 User has specified far-ness of the function.
#define FUNC_HIDDEN   0x00000040
 A hidden function chunk.
#define FUNC_THUNK   0x00000080
 Thunk (jump) function.
#define FUNC_BOTTOMBP   0x00000100
 BP points to the bottom of the stack frame.
#define FUNC_NORET_PENDING   0x00200
 Function 'non-return' analysis must be performed. More...
#define FUNC_SP_READY   0x00000400
 SP-analysis has been performed. More...
#define FUNC_FUZZY_SP   0x00000800
 Function changes SP in untraceable way, for example: and esp, 0FFFFFFF0h.
#define FUNC_PROLOG_OK   0x00001000
 Prolog analysis has been performed by last SP-analysis.
#define FUNC_PURGED_OK   0x00004000
 'argsize' field has been validated. More...
#define FUNC_TAIL   0x00008000
 This is a function tail. More...
#define FUNC_LUMINA   0x00010000
 Function info is provided by Lumina.
#define FUNC_OUTLINE   0x00020000
 Outlined code, not a real function.
#define FUNC_REANALYZE   0x00040000
 Function frame changed, request to reanalyze the function after the last insn is analyzed. More...
#define FUNC_RESERVED   0x8000000000000000LL
 Reserved (for internal usage)
#define MOVE_FUNC_OK   0
#define MOVE_FUNC_NOCODE   1
 no instruction at 'newstart'
 bad new start address
#define MOVE_FUNC_NOFUNC   3
 no function at 'ea'
 a plugin refused the action
#define FIND_FUNC_NORMAL   0x0000
 stop processing if undefined byte is encountered
#define FIND_FUNC_DEFINE   0x0001
 create instruction if undefined byte is encountered
#define FIND_FUNC_IGNOREFN   0x0002
 ignore existing function boundaries. More...
#define FIND_FUNC_KEEPBD   0x0004
 do not modify incoming function boundaries, just create instructions inside the boundaries. More...
#define FIND_FUNC_UNDEF   0
 function has instructions that pass execution flow to unexplored bytes. More...
#define FIND_FUNC_OK   1
 ok, 'nfn' is ready for add_func()
#define FIND_FUNC_EXIST   2
 function exists already. More...
 Declare helper functions for func_item_iterator_t. More...
#define IDASGN_OK   0
#define IDASGN_BADARG   1
 bad number of signature
#define IDASGN_APPLIED   2
 signature is already applied
#define IDASGN_CURRENT   3
 signature is currently being applied
#define IDASGN_PLANNED   4
 signature is planned to be applied
#define LIBFUNC_FOUND   0
 ok, library function is found
#define LIBFUNC_NONE   1
 no, this is not a library function
#define LIBFUNC_DELAY   2
 no decision because of lack of information


idaman void ida_export free_regarg (struct regarg_t *v)
bool is_func_entry (const func_t *pfn)
 Does function describe a function entry chunk?
bool is_func_tail (const func_t *pfn)
 Does function describe a function tail chunk?
idaman void ida_export lock_func_range (const func_t *pfn, bool lock)
 Lock function pointer Locked pointers are guaranteed to remain valid until they are unlocked. More...
idaman bool ida_export is_func_locked (const func_t *pfn)
 Is the function pointer locked?
idaman func_t *ida_export get_func (ea_t ea)
 Get pointer to function structure by address. More...
idaman int ida_export get_func_chunknum (func_t *pfn, ea_t ea)
 Get the containing tail chunk of 'ea'. More...
bool func_contains (func_t *pfn, ea_t ea)
 Does the given function contain the given address?
bool is_same_func (ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2)
 Do two addresses belong to the same function?
idaman func_t *ida_export getn_func (size_t n)
 Get pointer to function structure by number. More...
idaman size_t ida_export get_func_qty (void)
 Get total number of functions in the program.
idaman int ida_export get_func_num (ea_t ea)
 Get ordinal number of a function. More...
idaman func_t *ida_export get_prev_func (ea_t ea)
 Get pointer to the previous function. More...
idaman func_t *ida_export get_next_func (ea_t ea)
 Get pointer to the next function. More...
idaman ea_t ida_export get_func_ranges (rangeset_t *ranges, func_t *pfn)
 Get function ranges. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_func_cmt (qstring *buf, const func_t *pfn, bool repeatable)
 Get function comment. More...
idaman bool ida_export set_func_cmt (const func_t *pfn, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
 Set function comment. More...
idaman bool ida_export update_func (func_t *pfn)
 Update information about a function in the database (func_t). More...
idaman bool ida_export add_func_ex (func_t *pfn)
 Add a new function. More...
bool add_func (ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2=BADADDR)
 Add a new function. More...
idaman bool ida_export del_func (ea_t ea)
 Delete a function. More...
idaman int ida_export set_func_start (ea_t ea, ea_t newstart)
 Move function chunk start address. More...
idaman bool ida_export set_func_end (ea_t ea, ea_t newend)
 Move function chunk end address. More...
idaman void ida_export reanalyze_function (func_t *pfn, ea_t ea1=0, ea_t ea2=BADADDR, bool analyze_parents=false)
 Reanalyze a function. More...
idaman int ida_export find_func_bounds (func_t *nfn, int flags)
 Determine the boundaries of a new function. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_func_name (qstring *out, ea_t ea)
 Get function name. More...
idaman asize_t ida_export calc_func_size (func_t *pfn)
 Calculate function size. More...
idaman int ida_export get_func_bitness (const func_t *pfn)
 Get function bitness (which is equal to the function segment bitness). More...
int idaapi get_func_bits (const func_t *pfn)
 Get number of bits in the function addressing.
int idaapi get_func_bytes (const func_t *pfn)
 Get number of bytes in the function addressing.
bool is_visible_func (func_t *pfn)
 Is the function visible (not hidden)?
bool is_finally_visible_func (func_t *pfn)
 Is the function visible (event after considering SCF_SHHID_FUNC)?
idaman void ida_export set_visible_func (func_t *pfn, bool visible)
 Set visibility of function.
idaman int ida_export set_func_name_if_jumpfunc (func_t *pfn, const char *oldname)
 Give a meaningful name to function if it consists of only 'jump' instruction. More...
idaman ea_t ida_export calc_thunk_func_target (func_t *pfn, ea_t *fptr)
 Calculate target of a thunk function. More...
idaman bool ida_export func_does_return (ea_t callee)
 Does the function return?. More...
idaman bool ida_export reanalyze_noret_flag (ea_t ea)
 Plan to reanalyze noret flag. More...
idaman bool ida_export set_noret_insn (ea_t insn_ea, bool noret)
 Signal a non-returning instruction. More...
idaman func_t *ida_export get_fchunk (ea_t ea)
 Get pointer to function chunk structure by address. More...
idaman func_t *ida_export getn_fchunk (int n)
 Get pointer to function chunk structure by number. More...
idaman size_t ida_export get_fchunk_qty (void)
 Get total number of function chunks in the program.
idaman int ida_export get_fchunk_num (ea_t ea)
 Get ordinal number of a function chunk in the global list of function chunks. More...
idaman func_t *ida_export get_prev_fchunk (ea_t ea)
 Get pointer to the previous function chunk in the global list. More...
idaman func_t *ida_export get_next_fchunk (ea_t ea)
 Get pointer to the next function chunk in the global list. More...
idaman bool ida_export append_func_tail (func_t *pfn, ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2)
 Append a new tail chunk to the function definition. More...
idaman bool ida_export remove_func_tail (func_t *pfn, ea_t tail_ea)
 Remove a function tail. More...
idaman bool ida_export set_tail_owner (func_t *fnt, ea_t new_owner)
 Set a new owner of a function tail. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool idaapi f_any (flags64_t, void *)
 Helper function to accept any address.
idaman void ida_export iterate_func_chunks (func_t *pfn, void(idaapi *func)(ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2, void *ud), void *ud=nullptr, bool include_parents=false)
 Function to iterate function chunks (all of them including the entry chunk) More...
idaman int ida_export plan_to_apply_idasgn (const char *fname)
 Add a signature file to the list of planned signature files. More...
idaman int ida_export apply_idasgn_to (const char *signame, ea_t ea, bool is_startup)
 Apply a signature file to the specified address. More...
idaman int ida_export get_idasgn_qty (void)
 Get number of signatures in the list of planned and applied signatures. More...
idaman int ida_export get_current_idasgn (void)
 Get number of the the current signature. More...
idaman int ida_export calc_idasgn_state (int n)
 Get state of a signature in the list of planned signatures. More...
idaman int ida_export del_idasgn (int n)
 Remove signature from the list of planned signatures. More...
idaman int32 ida_export get_idasgn_desc (qstring *signame, qstring *optlibs, int n)
 Get information about a signature in the list. More...
idaman idasgn_t *ida_export get_idasgn_header_by_short_name (const char *name)
 Get idasgn header by a short signature name. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_idasgn_title (qstring *buf, const char *name)
 Get full description of the signature by its short name. More...
idaman void ida_export determine_rtl (void)
 Determine compiler/vendor using the startup signatures. More...
idaman bool ida_export apply_startup_sig (ea_t ea, const char *startup)
 Apply a startup signature file to the specified address. More...
idaman int ida_export try_to_add_libfunc (ea_t ea)
 Apply the currently loaded signature file to the specified address. More...
Get prev/next address in function

Unlike func_item_iterator_t which always enumerates the main function chunk first, these functions respect linear address ordering.

idaman ea_t ida_export get_prev_func_addr (func_t *pfn, ea_t ea)
idaman ea_t ida_export get_next_func_addr (func_t *pfn, ea_t ea)

Functions to work with temporary register argument definitions

idaman void ida_export read_regargs (func_t *pfn)
idaman void ida_export add_regarg (func_t *pfn, int reg, const tinfo_t &tif, const char *name)

Detailed Description

Routines for working with functions within the disassembled program.

This file also contains routines for working with library signatures (e.g. FLIRT).

Each function consists of function chunks. At least one function chunk must be present in the function definition - the function entry chunk. Other chunks are called function tails. There may be several of them for a function.

A function tail is a continuous range of addresses. It can be used in the definition of one or more functions. One function using the tail is singled out and called the tail owner. This function is considered as 'possessing' the tail. get_func() on a tail address will return the function possessing the tail. You can enumerate the functions using the tail by using func_parent_iterator_t.

Each function chunk in the disassembly is represented as an "range" (a range of addresses, see range.hpp for details) with characteristics.

A function entry must start with an instruction (code) byte.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DECLARE_FUNC_ITERATORS (   prefix)
prefix bool ida_export func_tail_iterator_set(func_tail_iterator_t *fti, func_t *pfn, ea_t ea);\
prefix bool ida_export func_tail_iterator_set_ea(func_tail_iterator_t *fti, ea_t ea);\
prefix bool ida_export func_parent_iterator_set(func_parent_iterator_t *fpi, func_t *pfn);\
prefix bool ida_export func_item_iterator_next(func_item_iterator_t *fii, testf_t *testf, void *ud);\
prefix bool ida_export func_item_iterator_prev(func_item_iterator_t *fii, testf_t *testf, void *ud);\
prefix bool ida_export func_item_iterator_decode_prev_insn(func_item_iterator_t *fii, insn_t *out); \
prefix bool ida_export func_item_iterator_decode_preceding_insn(func_item_iterator_t *fii, eavec_t *visited, bool *p_farref, insn_t *out); \
prefix bool ida_export func_item_iterator_succ(func_item_iterator_t *fii, testf_t *testf, void *ud);
bool idaapi testf_t(flags64_t flags, void *ud)
Flag tester - see next_that(), prev_that()
Definition: bytes.hpp:110
Class to enumerate all function instructions and data sorted by addresses.
Definition: funcs.hpp:782
Class to enumerate all function parents sorted by addresses.
Definition: funcs.hpp:836
A function is a set of continuous ranges of addresses with characteristics.
Definition: funcs.hpp:85
Class to enumerate all function tails sorted by addresses.
Definition: funcs.hpp:711
Definition: ua.hpp:354

Declare helper functions for func_item_iterator_t.

Function Documentation

◆ lock_func_range()

idaman void ida_export lock_func_range ( const func_t pfn,
bool  lock 

Lock function pointer Locked pointers are guaranteed to remain valid until they are unlocked.

Ranges with locked pointers cannot be deleted or moved.

◆ get_func()

idaman func_t *ida_export get_func ( ea_t  ea)

Get pointer to function structure by address.

eaany address in a function
ptr to a function or nullptr. This function returns a function entry chunk.

◆ get_func_chunknum()

idaman int ida_export get_func_chunknum ( func_t pfn,
ea_t  ea 

Get the containing tail chunk of 'ea'.

Return values
-1means 'does not contain ea'
0means the 'pfn' itself contains ea
>0the number of the containing function tail chunk

◆ getn_func()

idaman func_t *ida_export getn_func ( size_t  n)

Get pointer to function structure by number.

nnumber of function, is in range 0..get_func_qty()-1
ptr to a function or nullptr. This function returns a function entry chunk.

◆ get_func_num()

idaman int ida_export get_func_num ( ea_t  ea)

Get ordinal number of a function.

eaany address in the function
number of function (0..get_func_qty()-1). -1 means 'no function at the specified address'.

◆ get_prev_func()

idaman func_t *ida_export get_prev_func ( ea_t  ea)

Get pointer to the previous function.

eaany address in the program
ptr to function or nullptr if previous function doesn't exist

◆ get_next_func()

idaman func_t *ida_export get_next_func ( ea_t  ea)

Get pointer to the next function.

eaany address in the program
ptr to function or nullptr if next function doesn't exist

◆ get_func_ranges()

idaman ea_t ida_export get_func_ranges ( rangeset_t ranges,
func_t pfn 

Get function ranges.

rangesbuffer to receive the range info
pfnptr to function structure
end address of the last function range (BADADDR-error)

◆ get_func_cmt()

idaman ssize_t ida_export get_func_cmt ( qstring buf,
const func_t pfn,
bool  repeatable 

Get function comment.

bufbuffer for the comment
pfnptr to function structure
repeatableget repeatable comment?
size of comment or -1 In fact this function works with function chunks too.

◆ set_func_cmt()

idaman bool ida_export set_func_cmt ( const func_t pfn,
const char *  cmt,
bool  repeatable 

Set function comment.

This function works with function chunks too.

pfnptr to function structure
cmtcomment string, may be multiline (with '
'). Use empty str ("") to delete comment
repeatableset repeatable comment?

◆ update_func()

idaman bool ida_export update_func ( func_t pfn)

Update information about a function in the database (func_t).

You must not change the function start and end addresses using this function. Use set_func_start() and set_func_end() for it.

pfnptr to function structure

◆ add_func_ex()

idaman bool ida_export add_func_ex ( func_t pfn)

Add a new function.

If the fn->end_ea is BADADDR, then IDA will try to determine the function bounds by calling find_func_bounds(..., FIND_FUNC_DEFINE).

pfnptr to filled function structure

◆ add_func()

bool add_func ( ea_t  ea1,
ea_t  ea2 = BADADDR 

Add a new function.

If the function end address is BADADDR, then IDA will try to determine the function bounds by calling find_func_bounds(..., FIND_FUNC_DEFINE).

ea1start address
ea2end address

◆ del_func()

idaman bool ida_export del_func ( ea_t  ea)

Delete a function.

eaany address in the function entry chunk

◆ set_func_start()

idaman int ida_export set_func_start ( ea_t  ea,
ea_t  newstart 

Move function chunk start address.

eaany address in the function
newstartnew end address of the function
Function move result codes

◆ set_func_end()

idaman bool ida_export set_func_end ( ea_t  ea,
ea_t  newend 

Move function chunk end address.

eaany address in the function
newendnew end address of the function

◆ reanalyze_function()

idaman void ida_export reanalyze_function ( func_t pfn,
ea_t  ea1 = 0,
ea_t  ea2 = BADADDR,
bool  analyze_parents = false 

Reanalyze a function.

This function plans to analyzes all chunks of the given function. Optional parameters (ea1, ea2) may be used to narrow the analyzed range.

pfnpointer to a function
ea1start of the range to analyze
ea2end of range to analyze
analyze_parentsmeaningful only if pfn points to a function tail. if true, all tail parents will be reanalyzed. if false, only the given tail will be reanalyzed.

◆ find_func_bounds()

idaman int ida_export find_func_bounds ( func_t nfn,
int  flags 

Determine the boundaries of a new function.

This function tries to find the start and end addresses of a new function. It calls the module with processor_t::func_bounds in order to fine tune the function boundaries.

nfnstructure to fill with information \ nfn->start_ea points to the start address of the new function.
flagsFind function bounds flags
Find function bounds result codes

◆ get_func_name()

idaman ssize_t ida_export get_func_name ( qstring out,
ea_t  ea 

Get function name.

outbuffer for the answer
eaany address in the function
length of the function name

◆ calc_func_size()

idaman asize_t ida_export calc_func_size ( func_t pfn)

Calculate function size.

This function takes into account all fragments of the function.

pfnptr to function structure

◆ get_func_bitness()

idaman int ida_export get_func_bitness ( const func_t pfn)

Get function bitness (which is equal to the function segment bitness).

pfn==nullptr => returns 0

Return values

◆ set_func_name_if_jumpfunc()

idaman int ida_export set_func_name_if_jumpfunc ( func_t pfn,
const char *  oldname 

Give a meaningful name to function if it consists of only 'jump' instruction.

pfnpointer to function (may be nullptr)
oldnameold name of function. if old name was in "j_..." form, then we may discard it and set a new name. if oldname is not known, you may pass nullptr.

◆ calc_thunk_func_target()

idaman ea_t ida_export calc_thunk_func_target ( func_t pfn,
ea_t *  fptr 

Calculate target of a thunk function.

pfnpointer to function (may not be nullptr)
fptrout: will hold address of a function pointer (if indirect jump)
the target function or BADADDR

◆ func_does_return()

idaman bool ida_export func_does_return ( ea_t  callee)

Does the function return?.

To calculate the answer, FUNC_NORET flag and is_noret() are consulted The latter is required for imported functions in the .idata section. Since in .idata we have only function pointers but not functions, we have to introduce a special flag for them.

◆ reanalyze_noret_flag()

idaman bool ida_export reanalyze_noret_flag ( ea_t  ea)

Plan to reanalyze noret flag.

This function does not remove FUNC_NORET if it is already present. It just plans to reanalysis.

◆ set_noret_insn()

idaman bool ida_export set_noret_insn ( ea_t  insn_ea,
bool  noret 

Signal a non-returning instruction.

This function can be used by the processor module to tell the kernel about non-returning instructions (like call exit). The kernel will perform the global function analysis and find out if the function returns at all. This analysis will be done at the first call to func_does_return()

true if the instruction 'noret' flag has been changed

◆ get_fchunk()

idaman func_t *ida_export get_fchunk ( ea_t  ea)

Get pointer to function chunk structure by address.

eaany address in a function chunk
ptr to a function chunk or nullptr. This function may return a function entry as well as a function tail.

◆ getn_fchunk()

idaman func_t *ida_export getn_fchunk ( int  n)

Get pointer to function chunk structure by number.

nnumber of function chunk, is in range 0..get_fchunk_qty()-1
ptr to a function chunk or nullptr. This function may return a function entry as well as a function tail.

◆ get_fchunk_num()

idaman int ida_export get_fchunk_num ( ea_t  ea)

Get ordinal number of a function chunk in the global list of function chunks.

eaany address in the function chunk
number of function chunk (0..get_fchunk_qty()-1). -1 means 'no function chunk at the specified address'.

◆ get_prev_fchunk()

idaman func_t *ida_export get_prev_fchunk ( ea_t  ea)

Get pointer to the previous function chunk in the global list.

eaany address in the program
ptr to function chunk or nullptr if previous function chunk doesn't exist

◆ get_next_fchunk()

idaman func_t *ida_export get_next_fchunk ( ea_t  ea)

Get pointer to the next function chunk in the global list.

eaany address in the program
ptr to function chunk or nullptr if next function chunk doesn't exist

◆ append_func_tail()

idaman bool ida_export append_func_tail ( func_t pfn,
ea_t  ea1,
ea_t  ea2 

Append a new tail chunk to the function definition.

If the tail already exists, then it will simply be added to the function tail list Otherwise a new tail will be created and its owner will be set to be our function If a new tail cannot be created, then this function will fail.

pfnpointer to the function
ea1start of the tail. If a tail already exists at the specified address it must start at 'ea1'
ea2end of the tail. If a tail already exists at the specified address it must end at 'ea2'. If specified as BADADDR, IDA will determine the end address itself.

◆ remove_func_tail()

idaman bool ida_export remove_func_tail ( func_t pfn,
ea_t  tail_ea 

Remove a function tail.

If the tail belongs only to one function, it will be completely removed. Otherwise if the function was the tail owner, the first function using this tail becomes the owner of the tail.

pfnpointer to the function
tail_eaany address inside the tail to remove

◆ set_tail_owner()

idaman bool ida_export set_tail_owner ( func_t fnt,
ea_t  new_owner 

Set a new owner of a function tail.

The new owner function must be already referring to the tail (after append_func_tail).

fntpointer to the function tail
new_ownerthe entry point of the new owner function

◆ iterate_func_chunks()

idaman void ida_export iterate_func_chunks ( func_t pfn,
void(idaapi *)(ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2, void *ud)  func,
void *  ud = nullptr,
bool  include_parents = false 

Function to iterate function chunks (all of them including the entry chunk)

pfnpointer to the function
funcfunction to call for each chunk
uduser data for 'func'
include_parentsmeaningful only if pfn points to a function tail. if true, all tail parents will be iterated. if false, only the given tail will be iterated.

◆ plan_to_apply_idasgn()

idaman int ida_export plan_to_apply_idasgn ( const char *  fname)

Add a signature file to the list of planned signature files.

fnamefile name. should not contain directory part.
0 if failed, otherwise number of planned (and applied) signatures

◆ apply_idasgn_to()

idaman int ida_export apply_idasgn_to ( const char *  signame,
ea_t  ea,
bool  is_startup 

Apply a signature file to the specified address.

signameshort name of signature file (the file name without path)
eaaddress to apply the signature
is_startupif set, then the signature is treated as a startup one for startup signature ida doesn't rename the first function of the applied module.
Library function codes

◆ get_idasgn_qty()

idaman int ida_export get_idasgn_qty ( void  )

Get number of signatures in the list of planned and applied signatures.


◆ get_current_idasgn()

idaman int ida_export get_current_idasgn ( void  )

Get number of the the current signature.


◆ calc_idasgn_state()

idaman int ida_export calc_idasgn_state ( int  n)

Get state of a signature in the list of planned signatures.

nnumber of signature in the list (0..get_idasgn_qty()-1)
state of signature or IDASGN_BADARG

◆ del_idasgn()

idaman int ida_export del_idasgn ( int  n)

Remove signature from the list of planned signatures.

nnumber of signature in the list (0..get_idasgn_qty()-1)

◆ get_idasgn_desc()

idaman int32 ida_export get_idasgn_desc ( qstring signame,
qstring optlibs,
int  n 

Get information about a signature in the list.

signamebuffer for the name of the signature. (short form, only base name without the directory part will be stored). if signame == nullptr, then the name won't be returned.
optlibsbuffer for the names of the optional libraries if optlibs == nullptr, then the optional libraries are not returned
nnumber of signature in the list (0..get_idasgn_qty()-1)
number of successfully recognized modules using this signature. -1 means the 'n' is a bad argument, i.e. no signature with this number exists..

◆ get_idasgn_header_by_short_name()

idaman idasgn_t *ida_export get_idasgn_header_by_short_name ( const char *  name)

Get idasgn header by a short signature name.

nameshort name of a signature
nullptr if can't find the signature

◆ get_idasgn_title()

idaman ssize_t ida_export get_idasgn_title ( qstring buf,
const char *  name 

Get full description of the signature by its short name.

bufthe output buffer
nameshort name of a signature
size of signature description or -1

◆ determine_rtl()

idaman void ida_export determine_rtl ( void  )

Determine compiler/vendor using the startup signatures.

If determined, then appropriate signature files are included into the list of planned signature files.

◆ apply_startup_sig()

idaman bool ida_export apply_startup_sig ( ea_t  ea,
const char *  startup 

Apply a startup signature file to the specified address.

eaaddress to apply the signature to; usually idainfo::start_ea
startupthe name of the signature file without path and extension
true if successfully applied the signature

◆ try_to_add_libfunc()

idaman int ida_export try_to_add_libfunc ( ea_t  ea)

Apply the currently loaded signature file to the specified address.

If a library function is found, then create a function and name it accordingly.

eaany address in the program
Library function codes