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search.hpp File Reference

Middle-level search functions. More...


#define SEARCH_UP   0x000
 search towards lower addresses
#define SEARCH_DOWN   0x001
 search towards higher addresses
#define SEARCH_NEXT   0x002
 skip the starting address when searching. More...
#define SEARCH_CASE   0x004
 case-sensitive search (case-insensitive otherwise)
#define SEARCH_REGEX   0x008
 regular expressions in search string (supported only for the text search)
#define SEARCH_NOBRK   0x010
 do not test if the user clicked cancel to interrupt the search
#define SEARCH_NOSHOW   0x020
 do not display the search progress/refresh screen
#define SEARCH_IDENT   0x080
 search for an identifier (text search). More...
#define SEARCH_BRK   0x100
 return BADADDR if the search was cancelled.
#define SEARCH_USE   0x200
 find_reg_access: search for a use (read access)
#define SEARCH_DEF   0x400
 find_reg_access: search for a definition (write access)
#define SEARCH_USESEL   0x800
 query the UI for a possible current selection to limit the search to


THREAD_SAFE bool search_down (int sflag)
 Is the SEARCH_DOWN bit set?
idaman int ida_export search (void *ud, place_t *start, const place_t *end, int *startx, const char *str, int sflag)
 Search for a text substring (low level function). More...
find_... functions
eastart ea
sflagcombination of Search flags
[out]opnumfilled with operand number whenever relevant
first ea at which the search criteria is met
idaman ea_t ida_export find_error (ea_t ea, int sflag, int *opnum=nullptr)
 Find next error or problem.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_notype (ea_t ea, int sflag, int *opnum=nullptr)
 Find next operand without any type info.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_unknown (ea_t ea, int sflag)
 Find next unexplored address.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_defined (ea_t ea, int sflag)
 Find next ea that is the start of an instruction or data.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_suspop (ea_t ea, int sflag, int *opnum=nullptr)
 Find next suspicious operand.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_data (ea_t ea, int sflag)
 Find next data address.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_code (ea_t ea, int sflag)
 Find next code address.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_not_func (ea_t ea, int sflag)
 Find next code address that does not belong to a function.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_imm (ea_t ea, int sflag, uval_t search_value, int *opnum=nullptr)
 Find next immediate operand with the given value.
idaman ea_t ida_export find_text (ea_t start_ea, int y, int x, const char *ustr, int sflag)
 See search()
idaman ea_t ida_export find_reg_access (struct reg_access_t *out, ea_t start_ea, ea_t end_ea, const char *regname, int sflag)
 Find access to a register. More...

Detailed Description

Middle-level search functions.

They all are controlled by Search flags

Function Documentation

◆ find_reg_access()

idaman ea_t ida_export find_reg_access ( struct reg_access_t out,
ea_t  start_ea,
ea_t  end_ea,
const char *  regname,
int  sflag 

Find access to a register.

outpointer to the output buffer. must be non-null. upon success contains info about the found register. upon failed search for a read access out->range contains the info about the non-redefined parts of the register.
start_eastarting address
end_eaending address. BADADDR means that the end limit is missing. otherwise, if the search direction is SEARCH_UP, END_EA must be lower than START_EA.
regnamethe register to search for.
sflagcombination of Search flags bits.
This function does not care about the control flow and probes all instructions in the specified range, starting from START_EA. Only direct references to registers are detected. Function calls and system traps are ignored.
the found address. BADADDR if not found or error.

◆ search()

idaman int ida_export search ( void *  ud,
place_t start,
const place_t end,
int *  startx,
const char *  str,
int  sflag 

Search for a text substring (low level function).

udline array parameter
[in,out]startpointer to starting place:
  • start->ea: starting address
  • start->lnnum: starting Y coordinate
endpointer to ending place:
  • end->ea: ending address
  • end->lnnum: ending Y coordinate
[in,out]startxpointer to starting X coordinate
strsubstring to search for.
sflagSearch flags
Return values
0substring not found
1substring found. The matching position is returned in:
  • start->ea: address
  • start->lnnum: Y coordinate
  • *startx: X coordinate
2search was cancelled by ctrl-break. The farthest searched address is returned in the same manner as in the successful return (1).
3the input regular expression is bad. The error message was displayed.