Blackhat USA 2008
Sometimes names just do not reflect the nature of things. Sometimes it is our fault to attribute a ...
Sometimes names just do not reflect the nature of things. Sometimes it is our fault to attribute a ...
Good news for real iPhone fans: we ported IDA to iPhone! It can handle any application and provides ...
Walking the stack and trying to reconstruct the call stack is a challenge (especially if no or ...
Have you ever tried to create a debugger for Mac OS X? It is an adventurous enterprise with lots of ...
The last week I attended the Recon conference. It was a very enjoyable event, very nicely organized ...
Software programs must be tested before put in use. When there is a single program, things are ...
The decompiler makes some assumptions about the input code. Like that call instructions usually ...
It works! There are lots of limitations but it is alive, handles breakpoints, exceptions, and even ...
Things are quite easy with the Symbian TRK! Today I decided to write a small program to interact ...