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enum.hpp File Reference

Assembly level enum management. More...


struct  enum_member_visitor_t
 Enum member visitor - see for_all_enum_members(). More...


#define DEFMASK   (bmask_t(-1))
 default bitmask
#define ENFL_REGEX   0x0001
 apply regular expressions to beautify the name
 already have member with this name (bad name)
 already have 256 members with this value
 bad enum id
 bad bmask
 bad bmask and value combination (~bmask & value != 0)


typedef tid_t enum_t
 Enums and bitfields.
typedef uval_t bmask_t
 unsigned value that describes a bitmask a bit mask is 32/64 bits. More...
typedef uval_t const_t
 members of enums


idaman size_t ida_export get_enum_qty (void)
 Get number of declared enum_t types.
idaman enum_t ida_export getn_enum (size_t idx)
 Get enum by its index in the list of enums (0..get_enum_qty()-1).
idaman uval_t ida_export get_enum_idx (enum_t id)
 Get the index in the list of enums.
idaman enum_t ida_export get_enum (const char *name)
 Get enum by name.
idaman bool ida_export is_bf (enum_t id)
 Is enum a bitfield? (otherwise - plain enum, no bitmasks except for DEFMASK are allowed)
idaman bool ida_export is_enum_hidden (enum_t id)
 Is enum collapsed?
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_hidden (enum_t id, bool hidden)
 Collapse enum.
idaman bool ida_export is_enum_fromtil (enum_t id)
 Does enum come from type library?
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_fromtil (enum_t id, bool fromtil)
 Specify that enum comes from a type library.
idaman bool ida_export is_ghost_enum (enum_t id)
 Is a ghost copy of a local type?
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_ghost (enum_t id, bool ghost)
 Specify that enum is a ghost copy of a local type.
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_enum_name (qstring *out, enum_t id)
 Get name of enum.
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_enum_name2 (qstring *out, enum_t id, int flags=0)
 Get name of enum. More...
qstring get_enum_name (tid_t id, int flags=0)
idaman size_t ida_export get_enum_width (enum_t id)
 Get the width of a enum element allowed values: 0 (unspecified),1,2,4,8,16,32,64.
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_width (enum_t id, int width)
 See comment for get_enum_width()
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_enum_cmt (qstring *buf, enum_t id, bool repeatable)
 Get enum comment.
idaman size_t ida_export get_enum_size (enum_t id)
 Get the number of the members of the enum.
idaman flags64_t ida_export get_enum_flag (enum_t id)
 Get flags determining the representation of the enum. More...
idaman const_t ida_export get_enum_member_by_name (const char *name)
 Get a reference to an enum member by its name.
idaman uval_t ida_export get_enum_member_value (const_t id)
 Get value of an enum member.
idaman enum_t ida_export get_enum_member_enum (const_t id)
 Get the parent enum of an enum member.
idaman bmask_t ida_export get_enum_member_bmask (const_t id)
 Get bitmask of an enum member.
idaman const_t ida_export get_enum_member (enum_t id, uval_t value, int serial, bmask_t mask)
 Find an enum member by enum, value and bitmask. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_enum_member_name (qstring *out, const_t id)
 Get name of an enum member by const_t.
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_enum_member_cmt (qstring *buf, const_t id, bool repeatable)
 Get enum member's comment.
idaman int ida_export for_all_enum_members (enum_t id, enum_member_visitor_t &cv)
 Visit all members of a given enum.
idaman uchar ida_export get_enum_member_serial (const_t cid)
 Get serial number of an enum member.
idaman int32 ida_export get_enum_type_ordinal (enum_t id)
 Get corresponding type ordinal number.
idaman void ida_export set_enum_type_ordinal (enum_t id, int32 ord)
 Set corresponding type ordinal number.
idaman enum_t ida_export add_enum (size_t idx, const char *name, flags64_t flag)
 Add new enum type. More...
idaman void ida_export del_enum (enum_t id)
 Delete an enum type.
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_idx (enum_t id, size_t idx)
 Set serial number of enum. More...
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_bf (enum_t id, bool bf)
 Set 'bitfield' bit of enum (i.e. convert it to a bitfield)
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_name (enum_t id, const char *name)
 Set name of enum type.
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_cmt (enum_t id, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
 Set comment for enum type.
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_flag (enum_t id, flags64_t flag)
 Set data representation flags.
idaman int ida_export add_enum_member (enum_t id, const char *name, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
 Add member to enum type. More...
idaman bool ida_export del_enum_member (enum_t id, uval_t value, uchar serial, bmask_t bmask)
 Delete member of enum type.
idaman bool ida_export set_enum_member_name (const_t id, const char *name)
 Set name of enum member.
bool set_enum_member_cmt (const_t id, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
 Set comment for enum member.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_one_bit_mask (bmask_t mask)
 Is bitmask one bit?
Access to all used bitmasks in an enum
idaman bmask_t ida_export get_first_bmask (enum_t enum_id)
 Get first bitmask in the enum (bitfield) More...
idaman bmask_t ida_export get_last_bmask (enum_t enum_id)
 Get last bitmask in the enum (bitfield) More...
idaman bmask_t ida_export get_next_bmask (enum_t enum_id, bmask_t bmask)
 Get next bitmask in the enum (bitfield) More...
idaman bmask_t ida_export get_prev_bmask (enum_t enum_id, bmask_t bmask)
 Get prev bitmask in the enum (bitfield) More...
Access to all enum members with specified bitmask
these functions return values, not const_t!
idaman uval_t ida_export get_first_enum_member (enum_t id, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
idaman uval_t ida_export get_last_enum_member (enum_t id, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
idaman uval_t ida_export get_next_enum_member (enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
idaman uval_t ida_export get_prev_enum_member (enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask=DEFMASK)
Access to all enum members with specified value and mask

A sample loop looks like this:

const_t main_cid;
uchar serial;
for ( const_t cid=main_cid=get_first_serial_enum_member(&serial, id, v, mask);
cid != BADNODE;
cid = get_next_serial_enum_member(&serial, main_cid) )
uval_t const_t
members of enums
Definition: enum.hpp:30
#define BADNODE
A number to represent a bad netnode reference.
Definition: netnode.hpp:120
unsigned char uchar
unsigned 8 bit value
Definition: pro.h:336

The 'out_serial' argument of get_first_serial_enum_member/get_last_serial_enum_member can be nullptr. The 'in_out_serial' is required for the other functions.

idaman const_t ida_export get_first_serial_enum_member (uchar *out_serial, enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask)
idaman const_t ida_export get_last_serial_enum_member (uchar *out_serial, enum_t id, uval_t value, bmask_t bmask)
idaman const_t ida_export get_next_serial_enum_member (uchar *in_out_serial, const_t first_cid)
idaman const_t ida_export get_prev_serial_enum_member (uchar *in_out_serial, const_t first_cid)
Work with the bitmask name & comment
idaman bool ida_export set_bmask_name (enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, const char *name)
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_bmask_name (qstring *out, enum_t id, bmask_t bmask)
idaman bool ida_export set_bmask_cmt (enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, const char *cmt, bool repeatable)
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_bmask_cmt (qstring *buf, enum_t id, bmask_t bmask, bool repeatable)


const uchar MAX_ENUM_SERIAL = 255
 Max number of identical constants allowed for one enum type.

Detailed Description

Assembly level enum management.

Enums and bitfields are represented as enum_t.

Typedef Documentation

◆ bmask_t

typedef uval_t bmask_t

unsigned value that describes a bitmask a bit mask is 32/64 bits.

Function Documentation

◆ get_enum_name2()

idaman ssize_t ida_export get_enum_name2 ( qstring out,
enum_t  id,
int  flags = 0 

Get name of enum.

[out]outbuffer to hold the name
idenum id
flagsEnum name flags

◆ get_enum_flag()

idaman flags64_t ida_export get_enum_flag ( enum_t  id)

Get flags determining the representation of the enum.

(currently they define the numeric base: octal, decimal, hex, bin) and signness.

◆ get_enum_member()

idaman const_t ida_export get_enum_member ( enum_t  id,
uval_t  value,
int  serial,
bmask_t  mask 

Find an enum member by enum, value and bitmask.

if serial -1, return a member with any serial

◆ get_first_bmask()

idaman bmask_t ida_export get_first_bmask ( enum_t  enum_id)

Get first bitmask in the enum (bitfield)

enum_idid of enum (bitfield)
the smallest bitmask for enum, or DEFMASK

◆ get_last_bmask()

idaman bmask_t ida_export get_last_bmask ( enum_t  enum_id)

Get last bitmask in the enum (bitfield)

enum_idid of enum
the biggest bitmask for enum, or DEFMASK

◆ get_next_bmask()

idaman bmask_t ida_export get_next_bmask ( enum_t  enum_id,
bmask_t  bmask 

Get next bitmask in the enum (bitfield)

enum_idid of enum
bmaskthe current bitmask
value of a bitmask with value higher than the specified value, or DEFMASK

◆ get_prev_bmask()

idaman bmask_t ida_export get_prev_bmask ( enum_t  enum_id,
bmask_t  bmask 

Get prev bitmask in the enum (bitfield)

enum_idid of enum
bmaskthe current bitmask
value of a bitmask with value lower than the specified value, or DEFMASK

◆ add_enum()

idaman enum_t ida_export add_enum ( size_t  idx,
const char *  name,
flags64_t  flag 

Add new enum type.

  • if idx==BADADDR then add as the last idx
  • if name==nullptr then generate a unique name "enum_%d"

◆ set_enum_idx()

idaman bool ida_export set_enum_idx ( enum_t  id,
size_t  idx 

Set serial number of enum.

Also see get_enum_idx().

◆ add_enum_member()

idaman int ida_export add_enum_member ( enum_t  id,
const char *  name,
uval_t  value,
bmask_t  bmask = DEFMASK 

Add member to enum type.

0 if ok, otherwise one of Add enum member result codes