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fixup.hpp File Reference

Functions that deal with fixup information. More...


struct  fixup_data_t
struct  fixup_handler_t
 Implements the core behavior of a custom fixup. More...
struct  fixup_info_t
 Collect fixup records for the specified range. More...


#define FIXUPF_REL   0x0001
 fixup is relative to the linear address `base'. More...
#define FIXUPF_EXTDEF   0x0002
 target is a location (otherwise - segment). More...
#define FIXUPF_UNUSED   0x0004
 fixup is ignored by IDA More...
#define FIXUPF_CREATED   0x0008
 fixup was not present in the input file
#define FIXUPF_LOADER_MASK   0xF0000000
 additional flags. More...
#define FHF_VERIFY   0x0001
 verify that the value fits into WIDTH bits. More...
#define FHF_CODE   0x0002
 verify that ITEM_EA in std_apply() points to an instruction. More...
#define FHF_FORCE_CODE   0x0004
 if ITEM_EA in std_apply() points to an unknown item, then convert it to code. More...
#define FHF_ABS_OPVAL   0x0008
 create absolute refinfo in std_apply() because the operand also has the absolute value (usually for o_near operands)
#define FHF_SIGNED   0x0010
 the operand value is signed. More...
Fixup standard types
#define FIXUP_OFF8   13
 8-bit offset
#define FIXUP_OFF16   1
 16-bit offset
#define FIXUP_SEG16   2
 16-bit base–logical segment base (selector)
#define FIXUP_PTR16   3
 32-bit long pointer (16-bit base:16-bit offset)
#define FIXUP_OFF32   4
 32-bit offset
#define FIXUP_PTR32   5
 48-bit pointer (16-bit base:32-bit offset)
#define FIXUP_HI8   6
 high 8 bits of 16bit offset
#define FIXUP_HI16   7
 high 16 bits of 32bit offset
#define FIXUP_LOW8   8
 low 8 bits of 16bit offset
#define FIXUP_LOW16   9
 low 16 bits of 32bit offset
#define V695_FIXUP_VHIGH   10
#define V695_FIXUP_VLOW   11
#define FIXUP_OFF64   12
 64-bit offset
#define FIXUP_OFF8S   14
 8-bit signed offset
#define FIXUP_OFF16S   15
 16-bit signed offset
#define FIXUP_OFF32S   16
 32-bit signed offset
#define FIXUP_CUSTOM   0x8000
 start of the custom types range


typedef uint16 fixup_type_t
 Fixup information structure. More...
typedef qvector< fixup_info_tfixups_t


THREAD_SAFE bool is_fixup_custom (fixup_type_t type)
 Is fixup processed by processor module?
idaman bool ida_export get_fixup (fixup_data_t *fd, ea_t source)
 Get fixup information.
bool exists_fixup (ea_t source)
 Check that a fixup exists at the given address.
idaman void ida_export set_fixup (ea_t source, const fixup_data_t &fd)
 Set fixup information. More...
idaman void ida_export del_fixup (ea_t source)
 Delete fixup information.
idaman const fixup_handler_t *ida_export get_fixup_handler (fixup_type_t type)
 Get handler of standard or custom fixup.
idaman bool ida_export apply_fixup (ea_t item_ea, ea_t fixup_ea, int n, bool is_macro)
 Use fixup information for an address. More...
idaman uval_t ida_export get_fixup_value (ea_t ea, fixup_type_t type)
 Get the operand value. More...
idaman bool ida_export patch_fixup_value (ea_t ea, const fixup_data_t &fd)
 Patch the fixup bytes. More...
idaman const char *ida_export get_fixup_desc (qstring *buf, ea_t source, const fixup_data_t &fd)
 Get FIXUP description comment.
idaman int ida_export calc_fixup_size (fixup_type_t type)
 Calculate size of fixup in bytes (the number of bytes the fixup patches) More...
idaman bool ida_export get_fixups (fixups_t *out, ea_t ea, asize_t size)
bool contains_fixups (ea_t ea, asize_t size)
 Does the specified address range contain any fixup information?
idaman void ida_export gen_fix_fixups (ea_t from, ea_t to, asize_t size)
 Relocate the bytes with fixup information once more (generic function). More...
idaman bool ida_export handle_fixups_in_macro (refinfo_t *ri, ea_t ea, fixup_type_t other, uint32 macro_reft_and_flags)
 Handle two fixups in a macro. More...
Enumerate addresses with fixup information:

Get the first address with fixup information

the first address with fixup information, or BADADDR
idaman ea_t ida_export get_first_fixup_ea (void)
idaman ea_t ida_export get_next_fixup_ea (ea_t ea)
 Find next address with fixup information. More...
idaman ea_t ida_export get_prev_fixup_ea (ea_t ea)
 Find previous address with fixup information. More...

This internal function takes Tuning options to determine how to get the operand value.

It is opposite in meaning to the std_patch_value(). 1) it gets the fixup_handler_t::size bytes at the given address, 2) it shifts the result left by fixup_handler_t::shift bits, 3) it returns the rightmost fixup_handler_t::width bits as a signed value. In details: b) size = 4, width = 28, shift = 2

  • it gets 4 bytes from the fixup address (the branch insn)
  • then it shifts this dword left by 2 bits (shift=2)
  • then the result is masked with 0xFFFFFFF (width=28) e.g. 0x10000017 the insn 0x4000005C the unshifted value 0x0000005C the masked result
idaman fixup_type_t ida_export register_custom_fixup (const fixup_handler_t *cfh)
 Register a new custom fixup. More...
idaman bool ida_export unregister_custom_fixup (fixup_type_t type)
 Unregister a new custom fixup format. More...
idaman fixup_type_t ida_export find_custom_fixup (const char *name)
 Get id of a custom fixup handler. More...

Detailed Description

Functions that deal with fixup information.

A loader should setup fixup information using set_fixup().

Typedef Documentation

◆ fixup_type_t

Fixup information structure.

see Types of fixups

Function Documentation

◆ set_fixup()

idaman void ida_export set_fixup ( ea_t  source,
const fixup_data_t fd 

Set fixup information.

You should fill fixup_data_t and call this function and the kernel will remember information in the database.

sourcethe fixup source address, i.e. the address modified by the fixup
fdfixup data

◆ get_next_fixup_ea()

idaman ea_t ida_export get_next_fixup_ea ( ea_t  ea)

Find next address with fixup information.

eacurrent address
the next address with fixup information, or BADADDR

◆ get_prev_fixup_ea()

idaman ea_t ida_export get_prev_fixup_ea ( ea_t  ea)

Find previous address with fixup information.

eacurrent address
the previous address with fixup information, or BADADDR

◆ apply_fixup()

idaman bool ida_export apply_fixup ( ea_t  item_ea,
ea_t  fixup_ea,
int  n,
bool  is_macro 

Use fixup information for an address.

This function converts item_ea flags to offsets/segments. For undefined bytes, you may set item_ea == fixup_ea. In this case this function will create an item (byte, word, dword) there.

item_eastart address of item to modify
fixup_eaaddress of fixup record
n0..UA_MAXOP-1 operand number, OPND_ALL one of the operands
is_macrois the instruction at 'item_ea' a macro? if yes, then partial fixups (HIGH, LOW) won't be applied
Return values
falseno fixup at fixup_ea or it has FIXUPF_UNUSED flag
trueok, the fixup information was applied

◆ get_fixup_value()

idaman uval_t ida_export get_fixup_value ( ea_t  ea,
fixup_type_t  type 

Get the operand value.

This function get fixup bytes from data or an instruction at `ea' and convert them to the operand value (maybe partially). It is opposite in meaning to the `patch_fixup_value()`. For example, FIXUP_HI8 read a byte at `ea' and shifts it left by 8 bits, or AArch64's custom fixup BRANCH26 get low 26 bits of the insn at `ea' and shifts it left by 2 bits. This function is mainly used to get a relocation addend.

eaaddress to get fixup bytes from, the size of the fixup bytes depends on the fixup type.
See also
typefixup type
Return values

◆ patch_fixup_value()

idaman bool ida_export patch_fixup_value ( ea_t  ea,
const fixup_data_t fd 

Patch the fixup bytes.

This function updates data or an instruction at `ea' to the fixup bytes. For example, FIXUP_HI8 updates a byte at `ea' to the high byte of `fd->off', or AArch64's custom fixup BRANCH26 updates low 26 bits of the insn at `ea' to the value of `fd->off' shifted right by 2.

eaaddress where data are changed, the size of the changed data depends on the fixup type.
See also
fdfixup data
Return values
falsethe fixup bytes do not fit (e.g. `fd->off' is greater than 0xFFFFFFC for BRANCH26). The database is changed even in this case.

◆ calc_fixup_size()

idaman int ida_export calc_fixup_size ( fixup_type_t  type)

Calculate size of fixup in bytes (the number of bytes the fixup patches)

Return values
-1means error

◆ register_custom_fixup()

idaman fixup_type_t ida_export register_custom_fixup ( const fixup_handler_t cfh)

Register a new custom fixup.

This function must be called by a processor module or plugin, but not by a file loader. File loaders should use find_custom_fixup() function to find the handler created by the processor module.

id of the new custom fixup handler with FIXUP_CUSTOM bit set or 0 (e.g. when the custom fixup handler with the same name was already registered).

◆ unregister_custom_fixup()

idaman bool ida_export unregister_custom_fixup ( fixup_type_t  type)

Unregister a new custom fixup format.

Should be called by the processor module before the database gets closed.

◆ find_custom_fixup()

idaman fixup_type_t ida_export find_custom_fixup ( const char *  name)

Get id of a custom fixup handler.

namename of the custom fixup handler
id with FIXUP_CUSTOM bit set or 0

◆ gen_fix_fixups()

idaman void ida_export gen_fix_fixups ( ea_t  from,
ea_t  to,
asize_t  size 

Relocate the bytes with fixup information once more (generic function).

This function may be called from loader_t::move_segm() if it suits the goal. If loader_t::move_segm is not defined then this function will be called automatically when moving segments or rebasing the entire program. Special parameter values (from = BADADDR, size = 0, to = delta) are used when the function is called from rebase_program(delta).

◆ handle_fixups_in_macro()

idaman bool ida_export handle_fixups_in_macro ( refinfo_t ri,
ea_t  ea,
fixup_type_t  other,
uint32  macro_reft_and_flags 

Handle two fixups in a macro.

We often combine two instruction that load parts of a value into one macro instruction. For example:

ADD X0, X0, #var@PAGEOFF --> ADRL X0, var
MIPS: lui $v0, %hi(var)
addiu $v0, $v0, %lo(var) --> la $v0, var

When applying the fixups that fall inside such a macro, we should convert them to one refinfo. This function does exactly that. It should be called from the apply() callback of a custom fixup.

success ('false' means that RI was not changed)