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typeinf.hpp File Reference

Describes the type information records in IDA. More...


struct  type_attr_t
struct  til_t
 Type Information Library. More...
struct  rrel_t
 Register-relative argument location. More...
struct  custloc_desc_t
 Description of a custom argloc. More...
class  argloc_t
 Describes an argument location. More...
struct  argpart_t
 Subsection of an argument location. More...
class  scattered_aloc_t
 Used to manage arguments that are described by multiple locations (also see ALOC_DIST) More...
struct  aloc_visitor_t
 Visit all argument locations. More...
struct  const_aloc_visitor_t
 Same as aloc_visitor_t, but may not modify the argloc. More...
class  callregs_t
 Register allocation calling convention. More...
class  tinfo_t
 Primary mechanism for managing type information. More...
struct  simd_info_t
 SIMD type info. More...
struct  ptr_type_data_t
 Pointer type information (see tinfo_t::get_ptr_details()) More...
struct  array_type_data_t
 Array type information (see tinfo_t::get_array_details()) More...
struct  funcarg_t
 Information about a single function argument. More...
struct  func_type_data_t
 Function type information (see tinfo_t::get_func_details()) More...
struct  stkarg_area_info_t
 Some calling conventions foresee special areas on the stack for call arguments. More...
struct  edm_t
 This structure describes an enum value. More...
struct  enum_type_data_t
 Enum type information (see tinfo_t::get_enum_details()) More...
struct  typedef_type_data_t
 Type information for typedefs. More...
struct  custom_data_type_info_t
struct  value_repr_t
 Visual representation of a member of a complex type (struct/union/enum) More...
struct  udm_t
 An object to represent struct or union members. More...
struct  udtmembervec_t
 vector of udt member objects More...
struct  udt_type_data_t
struct  bitfield_type_data_t
 Bitfield type information (see tinfo_t::get_bitfield_details()) More...
struct  type_mods_t
 Information about how to modify the current type, used by tinfo_visitor_t. More...
struct  tinfo_visitor_t
 Visit all subtypes of a type. Derive your visitor from this class and use apply_to() More...
struct  regobj_t
 Object that represents a register. More...
struct  regobjs_t
struct  argtinfo_helper_t
class  lowertype_helper_t
 Interface class - see ida_lowertype_helper_t. More...
class  ida_lowertype_helper_t
 An implementation of lowertype_helper_t that has access to the IDB, and thus can help spot holes in the stack arguments. More...
struct  format_data_info_t
 See format_cdata() More...
struct  valinfo_t
 Additional information about the output lines. More...
class  valstr_t
 Text representation of a data value (value string). More...
struct  valstrs_t
 Collection of value strings. More...
struct  text_sink_t
 Flush formatted text. More...
struct  til_symbol_t
 A symbol in a type library. More...
struct  predicate_t
 Helper class for choose_named_type(). More...


#define DEFMASK64   bmask64_t(-1)
 default bitmask 64bits
#define RESERVED_BYTE   0xFF
 multifunctional purpose
#define TAH_BYTE   0xFE
 type attribute header byte
#define FAH_BYTE   0xFF
 function argument attribute header byte
#define MAX_DECL_ALIGN   0x000F
#define TAH_HASATTRS   0x0010
 has extended attributes
#define TAUDT_UNALIGNED   0x0040
 struct: unaligned struct
#define TAUDT_MSSTRUCT   0x0020
 struct: gcc msstruct attribute
#define TAUDT_CPPOBJ   0x0080
 struct: a c++ object, not simple pod type
#define TAUDT_VFTABLE   0x0100
 struct: is virtual function table
#define TAFLD_BASECLASS   0x0020
 field: do not include but inherit from the current field
#define TAFLD_UNALIGNED   0x0040
 field: unaligned field
#define TAFLD_VIRTBASE   0x0080
 field: virtual base (not supported yet)
#define TAFLD_VFTABLE   0x0100
 field: ptr to virtual function table
#define TAFLD_METHOD   0x0200
 denotes a udt member function
#define TAFLD_GAP   0x0400
 field: gap member (displayed as padding in type details)
#define TAFLD_REGCMT   0x0800
 field: the comment is regular (if not set, it is repeatable)
#define TAPTR_PTR32   0x0020
 ptr: __ptr32
#define TAPTR_PTR64   0x0040
 ptr: __ptr64
#define TAPTR_RESTRICT   0x0060
 ptr: __restrict
#define TAPTR_SHIFTED   0x0080
 ptr: __shifted(parent_struct, delta)
#define TAENUM_64BIT   0x0020
 enum: store 64-bit values
#define TAENUM_UNSIGNED   0x0040
 enum: unsigned
#define TAENUM_SIGNED   0x0080
 enum: signed
#define TAENUM_OCT   0x0100
 enum: octal representation, if BTE_HEX
#define TAENUM_BIN   0x0200
 enum: binary representation, if BTE_HEX only one of OCT/BIN bits can be set. More...
#define TAENUM_NUMSIGN   0x0400
 enum: signed representation, if BTE_HEX
#define TAENUM_LZERO   0x0800
 enum: print numbers with leading zeroes (only for HEX/OCT/BIN)
#define TAH_ALL   0x0FF0
 all defined bits
#define TA_ORG_TYPEDEF   "__org_typedef"
 the original typedef name (simple string)
#define TA_ORG_ARRDIM   "__org_arrdim"
 the original array dimension (pack_dd)
#define TA_FORMAT   "format"
 info about the 'format' argument. More...
#define TA_VALUE_REPR   "\x01"
 serialized value_repr_t (used for scalars and arrays)
#define TIL_ZIP   0x0001
 pack buckets using zip
#define TIL_MAC   0x0002
 til has macro table
#define TIL_ESI   0x0004
 extended sizeof info (short, long, longlong)
#define TIL_UNI   0x0008
 universal til for any compiler
#define TIL_ORD   0x0010
 type ordinal numbers are present
#define TIL_ALI   0x0020
 type aliases are present (this bit is used only on the disk)
#define TIL_MOD   0x0040
 til has been modified, should be saved
#define TIL_STM   0x0080
 til has extra streams
#define TIL_SLD   0x0100
 sizeof(long double)
#define TIL_ADD_FAILED   0
 see errbuf
#define TIL_ADD_OK   1
 some tils were added
#define TIL_ADD_ALREADY   2
 the base til was already added
 Helper to declare common argloc_t related functions. More...
#define PRALOC_VERIFY   0x01
 interr if illegal argloc
#define PRALOC_STKOFF   0x02
 print stack offsets
#define SETCOMP_OVERRIDE   0x0001
 may override old compiler info
#define SETCOMP_ONLY_ID   0x0002
 cc has only 'id' field; the rest will be set to defaults corresponding to the program bitness
#define SETCOMP_ONLY_ABI   0x0004
 ignore cc field complete, use only abiname
#define SETCOMP_BY_USER   0x0008
 invoked by user, cannot be replaced by module/loader
#define MAX_FUNC_ARGS   256
 max number of function arguments
#define HTI_CPP   0x00000001
 C++ mode (not implemented)
#define HTI_INT   0x00000002
 debug: print internal representation of types
#define HTI_EXT   0x00000004
 debug: print external representation of types
#define HTI_LEX   0x00000008
 debug: print tokens
#define HTI_UNP   0x00000010
 debug: check the result by unpacking it
#define HTI_TST   0x00000020
 test mode: discard the result
#define HTI_FIL   0x00000040
 "input" is file name, otherwise "input" contains a C declaration
#define HTI_MAC   0x00000080
 define macros from the base tils
#define HTI_NWR   0x00000100
 no warning messages
#define HTI_NER   0x00000200
 ignore all errors but display them
#define HTI_DCL   0x00000400
 don't complain about redeclarations
#define HTI_NDC   0x00000800
 don't decorate names
#define HTI_PAK   0x00007000
 explicit structure pack value (#pragma pack)
#define HTI_PAK_SHIFT   12
 shift for HTI_PAK. More...
#define HTI_PAKDEF   0x00000000
 default pack value
#define HTI_PAK1   0x00001000
 #pragma pack(1)
#define HTI_PAK2   0x00002000
 #pragma pack(2)
#define HTI_PAK4   0x00003000
 #pragma pack(4)
#define HTI_PAK8   0x00004000
 #pragma pack(8)
#define HTI_PAK16   0x00005000
 #pragma pack(16)
#define HTI_HIGH   0x00008000
 assume high level prototypes (with hidden args, etc)
#define HTI_LOWER   0x00010000
 lower the function prototypes
#define HTI_RAWARGS   0x00020000
 leave argument names unchanged (do not remove underscores)
#define HTI_RELAXED   0x00080000
 accept references to unknown namespaces
#define HTI_NOBASE   0x00100000
 do not inspect base tils
#define PT_SIL   0x0001
 silent, no messages
#define PT_NDC   0x0002
 don't decorate names
#define PT_TYP   0x0004
 return declared type information
#define PT_VAR   0x0008
 return declared object information
#define PT_PACKMASK   0x0070
 mask for pack alignment values
#define PT_HIGH   0x0080
 assume high level prototypes (with hidden args, etc)
#define PT_LOWER   0x0100
 lower the function prototypes
#define PT_REPLACE   0x0200
 replace the old type (used in idc)
#define PT_RAWARGS   0x0400
 leave argument names unchanged (do not remove underscores)
#define PT_RELAXED   0x1000
 accept references to unknown namespaces
#define PRTYPE_1LINE   0x0000
 print to one line
#define PRTYPE_MULTI   0x0001
 print to many lines
#define PRTYPE_TYPE   0x0002
 print type declaration (not variable declaration)
#define PRTYPE_PRAGMA   0x0004
 print pragmas for alignment
#define PRTYPE_SEMI   0x0008
 append ; to the end
#define PRTYPE_CPP   0x0010
 use c++ name (only for print_type())
#define PRTYPE_DEF   0x0020
 tinfo_t: print definition, if available
#define PRTYPE_NOARGS   0x0040
 tinfo_t: do not print function argument names
#define PRTYPE_NOARRS   0x0080
 tinfo_t: print arguments with FAI_ARRAY as pointers
#define PRTYPE_NORES   0x0100
 tinfo_t: never resolve types (meaningful with PRTYPE_DEF)
#define PRTYPE_RESTORE   0x0200
 tinfo_t: print restored types for FAI_ARRAY and FAI_STRUCT
#define PRTYPE_NOREGEX   0x0400
 do not apply regular expressions to beautify name
#define PRTYPE_COLORED   0x0800
 add color tag COLOR_SYMBOL for any parentheses, commas and colons
#define PRTYPE_METHODS   0x1000
 tinfo_t: print udt methods
#define PRTYPE_1LINCMT   0x2000
 print comments even in the one line mode
#define PRTYPE_HEADER   0x4000
 print only type header (only for definitions)
#define PRTYPE_MAXSTR   0x8000
 limit the output length to 1024 bytes (the output may be slightly longer)
#define NTF_TYPE   0x0001
 type name
#define NTF_SYMU   0x0008
 symbol, name is unmangled ('func')
#define NTF_SYMM   0x0000
 symbol, name is mangled ('_func'); only one of NTF_TYPE and NTF_SYMU, NTF_SYMM can be used
#define NTF_NOBASE   0x0002
 don't inspect base tils (for get_named_type)
#define NTF_REPLACE   0x0004
 replace original type (for set_named_type)
#define NTF_UMANGLED   0x0008
 name is unmangled (don't use this flag)
#define NTF_NOCUR   0x0020
 don't inspect current til file (for get_named_type)
#define NTF_64BIT   0x0040
 value is 64bit
#define NTF_FIXNAME   0x0080
 force-validate the name of the type when setting (set_named_type, set_numbered_type only)
#define NTF_IDBENC   0x0100
 the name is given in the IDB encoding; non-ASCII bytes will be decoded accordingly (set_named_type, set_numbered_type only)
#define NTF_CHKSYNC   0x0200
 check that synchronization to IDB passed OK (set_numbered_type, set_named_type)
#define NTF_NO_NAMECHK   0x0400
 do not validate type name (set_numbered_type, set_named_type)
#define NTF_NOSYNC   0x0800
 do not sync type to IDB *- (set_named_type, set_numbered_type only) *-
#define NTF_COPY   0x1000
 save a new type definition, not a typeref (tinfo_t::set_numbered_type, tinfo_t::set_named_type)
#define CCN_C   0x00
#define CCN_CPP   0x01
#define IMPTYPE_LOCAL   0x0004
 the type is local, the struct/enum won't be marked as til type. More...
#define ADDTIL_DEFAULT   0x0000
 default behavior
#define ADDTIL_INCOMP   0x0001
 load incompatible tils
#define ADDTIL_SILENT   0x0002
 do not ask any questions
#define ADDTIL_FAILED   0
 something bad, the warning is displayed
#define ADDTIL_OK   1
 ok, til is loaded
#define ADDTIL_COMP   2
 ok, but til is not compatible with the current compiler
#define ADDTIL_ABORTED   3
 til was not loaded (incompatible til rejected by user)
#define TINFO_GUESSED   0x0000
 this is a guessed type
#define TINFO_DEFINITE   0x0001
 this is a definite type
#define TINFO_DELAYFUNC   0x0002
 if type is a function and no function exists at ea, schedule its creation and argument renaming to auto-analysis, otherwise try to create it immediately
#define TINFO_STRICT   0x0004
 never convert given type to another one before applying
 couldn't guess the function type
 the function type doesn't have interesting info
#define GUESS_FUNC_OK   2
 ok, some non-trivial information is gathered
#define SUDT_SORT   0x0001
 fields are not sorted by offset, sort them first
#define SUDT_ALIGN   0x0002
 recalculate field alignments, struct packing, etc to match the offsets and size info
#define SUDT_GAPS   0x0004
 allow to fill gaps with additional members (_BYTE[])
#define SUDT_UNEX   0x0008
 references to nonexistent member types are acceptable; in this case it is better to set the corresponding udm_t::fda field to the type alignment. More...
#define SUDT_FAST   0x0010
 serialize without verifying offsets and alignments
#define SUDT_CONST   0x0040
 only for serialize_udt: make type const
#define SUDT_VOLATILE   0x0080
 only for serialize_udt: make type volatile
#define SUDT_TRUNC   0x0100
 serialize: truncate useless strings from fields, fldcmts
#define SUDT_SERDEF   0x0200
 serialize: if a typeref, serialize its definition
 Macro to declare common tinfo_t related functions.
#define STRMEM_MASK   0x0007
#define STRMEM_OFFSET   0x0000
 get member by offset More...
#define STRMEM_INDEX   0x0001
 get member by number More...
#define STRMEM_AUTO   0x0002
 get member by offset if struct, or get member by index if union More...
#define STRMEM_NAME   0x0003
 get member by name More...
#define STRMEM_TYPE   0x0004
 get member by type. More...
#define STRMEM_SIZE   0x0005
 get member by size. More...
#define STRMEM_MINS   0x0006
 get smallest member by size.
#define STRMEM_MAXS   0x0007
 get biggest member by size.
#define STRMEM_VFTABLE   0x10000000
 can be combined with STRMEM_OFFSET, STRMEM_AUTO get vftable instead of the base class
#define STRMEM_SKIP_EMPTY   0x20000000
 can be combined with STRMEM_OFFSET, STRMEM_AUTO skip empty members (i.e. More...
#define STRMEM_CASTABLE_TO   0x40000000
 can be combined with STRMEM_TYPE: member type must be castable to the specified type
#define STRMEM_ANON   0x80000000
 can be combined with STRMEM_NAME: look inside anonymous members too. More...
#define TCMP_EQUAL   0x0000
 are types equal?
#define TCMP_IGNMODS   0x0001
 ignore const/volatile modifiers
#define TCMP_AUTOCAST   0x0002
 can t1 be cast into t2 automatically?
#define TCMP_MANCAST   0x0004
 can t1 be cast into t2 manually?
#define TCMP_CALL   0x0008
 can t1 be called with t2 type?
#define TCMP_DELPTR   0x0010
 remove pointer from types before comparing
#define TCMP_DECL   0x0020
 compare declarations without resolving them
#define TCMP_ANYBASE   0x0040
 accept any base class when casting
#define TCMP_SKIPTHIS   0x0080
 skip the first function argument in comparison
#define FAI_HIDDEN   0x0001
 hidden argument
#define FAI_RETPTR   0x0002
 pointer to return value. implies hidden
#define FAI_STRUCT   0x0004
 was initially a structure
#define FAI_ARRAY   0x0008
 was initially an array; see "__org_typedef" or "__org_arrdim" type attributes to determine the original type
#define FAI_UNUSED   0x0010
 argument is not used by the function
#define FTI_SPOILED   0x0001
 information about spoiled registers is present
#define FTI_NORET   0x0002
#define FTI_PURE   0x0004
#define FTI_HIGH   0x0008
 high level prototype (with possibly hidden args)
#define FTI_STATIC   0x0010
#define FTI_VIRTUAL   0x0020
#define FTI_CALLTYPE   0x00C0
 mask for FTI_*CALL
#define FTI_DEFCALL   0x0000
 default call
#define FTI_NEARCALL   0x0040
 near call
#define FTI_FARCALL   0x0080
 far call
#define FTI_INTCALL   0x00C0
 interrupt call
#define FTI_ARGLOCS   0x0100
 info about argument locations has been calculated (stkargs and retloc too)
#define FTI_EXPLOCS   0x0200
 all arglocs are specified explicitly
#define FTI_CONST   0x0400
 const member function
#define FTI_CTOR   0x0800
#define FTI_DTOR   0x1000
#define FTI_ALL   0x1FFF
 all defined bits
#define CC_CDECL_OK   0x01
 can use __cdecl calling convention?
#define CC_ALLOW_ARGPERM   0x02
 disregard argument order?
#define CC_ALLOW_REGHOLES   0x04
 allow holes in register argument list?
#define CC_HAS_ELLIPSIS   0x08
 function has a variable list of arguments?
#define CC_GOLANG_OK   0x10
 can use __golang calling convention
#define FRB_MASK   0xF
 Mask for the value type (* means requires additional info):
#define FRB_UNK   0x0
#define FRB_NUMB   0x1
 Binary number.
#define FRB_NUMO   0x2
 Octal number.
#define FRB_NUMH   0x3
 Hexadecimal number.
#define FRB_NUMD   0x4
 Decimal number.
#define FRB_FLOAT   0x5
 Floating point number (for interpreting an integer type as a floating value)
#define FRB_CHAR   0x6
#define FRB_SEG   0x7
#define FRB_ENUM   0x8
#define FRB_OFFSET   0x9
#define FRB_STRLIT   0xA
 *String literal (used for arrays)
#define FRB_STROFF   0xB
 *Struct offset
#define FRB_CUSTOM   0xC
 *Custom data type
#define FRB_INVSIGN   0x0100
 Invert sign (0x01 is represented as -0xFF)
#define FRB_INVBITS   0x0200
 Invert bits (0x01 is represented as ~0xFE)
#define FRB_SIGNED   0x0400
 Force signed representation.
#define FRB_LZERO   0x0800
 Toggle leading zeroes (used for integers)
#define FRB_TABFORM   0x1000
 has additional tabular parameters
#define VTBL_SUFFIX   "_vtbl"
#define VTBL_MEMNAME   "__vftable"
#define TPOS_LNNUM   "\x05"
#define TPOS_REGCMT   '\x06'
#define TVIS_TYPE   0x0001
 new type info is present
#define TVIS_NAME   0x0002
 new name is present (only for funcargs and udt members)
#define TVIS_CMT   0x0004
 new comment is present (only for udt members)
#define TVIS_RPTCMT   0x0008
 the new comment is repeatable
#define TVST_PRUNE   0x01
 don't visit children of current type
#define TVST_DEF   0x02
 visit type definition (meaningful for typerefs)
#define TVST_LEVEL   0x04
#define PIO_NOATTR_FAIL   0x0004
 missing attributes are not ok
#define PIO_IGNORE_PTRS   0x0008
 do not follow pointers
#define PTV_DEREF   0x0001
 take value to print from the debugged process. More...
#define PTV_QUEST   0x0002
 print '?' for uninited data
#define PTV_EMPTY   0x0004
 return empty string for uninited data; should not specify PTV_QUEST and PTV_EMPTY together
#define PTV_CSTR   0x0008
 print constant strings inline
#define PTV_EXPAND   0x0010
 print only top level on separate lines; max_length applies to separate lines; margin is ignored
#define PTV_LZERO   0x0020
 print numbers with leading zeroes (only for hex/oct/bin)
#define PTV_STPFLT   0x0040
 fail on bad floating point numbers (if not set, just print ?flt for them)
#define PTV_SPACE   0x0080
 add spaces after commas and around braces
#define PTV_DEBUG   0x0100
 format output for debugger
#define PTV_NOPTR   0x0200
 prevent pointer values from appearing in the output
#define PTV_NTOP   0x40000000
 internal flag, do not use
#define PTV_KEEP   0x80000000
 internal flag, do not use
#define VALSTR_OPEN   0x01
 printed opening curly brace '{'
#define PDF_INCL_DEPS   0x1
 Include all type dependencies.
#define PDF_DEF_FWD   0x2
 Allow forward declarations.
#define PDF_DEF_BASE   0x4
 Include base types: __int8, __int16, etc..
#define PDF_HEADER_CMT   0x8
 Prepend output with a descriptive comment.


typedef uchar type_t
 byte sequence used to describe a type in IDA (see Type flags)
typedef uchar p_string
 pascal-like string: dt length, characters
typedef uchar p_list
 several p_string's
typedef uint64 bmask64_t
 unsigned value that describes a bitmask
typedef uchar bte_t
 Enum type flags.
typedef qvector< type_attr_ttype_attrs_t
 this vector must be sorted by keys
typedef int type_sign_t
 type signedness
typedef int argloc_type_t
 Specifies the location type of a function argument - see Argument location types.
typedef qvector< argloc_targlocs_t
 vector of argument locations
typedef qvector< argpart_targpartvec_t
typedef qvector< comp_tcompvec_t
 Collection of compiler descriptions.
typedef int idaapi h2ti_type_cb(const char *name, const tinfo_t &tif, const char *cmt, const uint64 *value, void *cb_data)
 This callback will be called for each type/variable declaration. More...
typedef int printer_t(const char *format,...)
 Specify a printing callback when parsing types. More...
typedef qvector< tinfo_ttinfovec_t
 vector of tinfo objects
typedef qvector< simd_info_tsimd_info_vec_t
typedef qvector< funcarg_tfuncargvec_t
 vector of function argument objects
typedef qvector< edm_tedmvec_t
 vector of enum values. More...
typedef qvector< regobj_tregobjvec_t
typedef qvector< valstr_tvalstrvec_t
typedef qvector< uint32ordvec_t
typedef int idaapi local_tinfo_predicate_t(uint32 ord, const tinfo_t &type, void *ud)
 Controls which types are displayed/selected when choosing local types. More...
using enum_type_visitor_t = std::function< ssize_t(const struct enum_type_data_t &ei, size_t idx, uint64 value, uint64 bmask)>
 Callback for visit_edms. More...


enum  argreg_policy_t {
 Function argument passing: how GP & FP registers cooperate with each other. More...
enum  abs_t { ABS_UNK , ABS_NO , ABS_YES }
 abstractness of declaration (see h2ti())
enum  sclass_t {
  SC_UNK = 0 , SC_TYPE = 1 , SC_EXT = 2 , SC_STAT = 3 ,
  SC_REG = 4 , SC_AUTO = 5 , SC_FRIEND = 6 , SC_VIRT = 7
 < storage class More...
enum  tinfo_code_t {
  TERR_BAD_TAH = -24 , TERR_BAD_BASE = -25 , TERR_BAD_GAP = -26 , TERR_NESTED = -27 ,
 Error codes various tinfo functions: More...
enum  stock_type_id_t {
 IDs for common types. More...
enum  etf_flag_t : uint {
  ETF_NO_SAVE = 0x00000001 , ETF_NO_LAYOUT = 0x00000002 , ETF_MAY_DESTROY = 0x00000004 , ETF_COMPATIBLE = 0x00000008 ,
  ETF_FUNCARG = 0x00000010 , ETF_FORCENAME = 0x00000020 , ETF_AUTONAME = 0x00000040 , ETF_ASMENUM = 0x40000000 ,
  ETF_NO_IDBSYNC = 0x80000000
 Constants to be used with get_udt_details() More...
 Constants to be used with get_func_details() More...
enum  gts_code_t { GTS_NESTED = 0x01 , GTS_BASECLASS = 0x02 }
 Constants to be used with get_size() More...
 Function index for the 'format' attribute.
enum  update_type_t { UTP_ENUM , UTP_STRUCT }
 See begin_type_updating()


THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_const (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_volatile (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE type_t get_base_type (type_t t)
 Get get basic type bits (TYPE_BASE_MASK)
THREAD_SAFE type_t get_type_flags (type_t t)
 Get type flags (TYPE_FLAGS_MASK)
THREAD_SAFE type_t get_full_type (type_t t)
 Get basic type bits + type flags (TYPE_FULL_MASK)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_typeid_last (type_t t)
 Is the type_t the last byte of type declaration? (there are no additional bytes after a basic type, see _BT_LAST_BASIC)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_partial (type_t t)
 Identifies an unknown or void type with a known size (see Basic type: unknown & void)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_void (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_unknown (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_ptr (type_t t)
 See BT_PTR.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_complex (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_func (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_array (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_typedef (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_sue (type_t t)
 Is the type a struct/union/enum?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_struct (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_union (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_struni (type_t t)
 Is the type a struct or union?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_enum (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_bitfld (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_int (type_t bt)
 Does the type_t specify one of the basic types in Basic type: integer?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_int128 (type_t t)
 Does the type specify a 128-bit value? (signed or unsigned, see Basic type: integer)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_int64 (type_t t)
 Does the type specify a 64-bit value? (signed or unsigned, see Basic type: integer)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_int32 (type_t t)
 Does the type specify a 32-bit value? (signed or unsigned, see Basic type: integer)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_int16 (type_t t)
 Does the type specify a 16-bit value? (signed or unsigned, see Basic type: integer)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_char (type_t t)
 Does the type specify a char value? (signed or unsigned, see Basic type: integer)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_paf (type_t t)
 Is the type a pointer, array, or function type?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_ptr_or_array (type_t t)
 Is the type a pointer or array type?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_floating (type_t t)
 Is the type a floating point type?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_integral (type_t t)
 Is the type an integral type (char/short/int/long/bool)?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_ext_integral (type_t t)
 Is the type an extended integral type? (integral or enum)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_arithmetic (type_t t)
 Is the type an arithmetic type? (floating or integral)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_ext_arithmetic (type_t t)
 Is the type an extended arithmetic type? (arithmetic or enum)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_uint (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_uchar (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_uint16 (type_t t)
 See BTF_UINT16.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_uint32 (type_t t)
 See BTF_UINT32.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_uint64 (type_t t)
 See BTF_UINT64.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_uint128 (type_t t)
 See BTF_UINT128.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_ldouble (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_double (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_float (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_tbyte (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_type_bool (type_t t)
THREAD_SAFE bool is_tah_byte (type_t t)
 The TAH byte (type attribute header byte) denotes the start of type attributes. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool is_sdacl_byte (type_t t)
 Identify an sdacl byte. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool operator< (const bytevec_t &v1, const bytevec_t &v2)
 Compare two bytevecs with '<'. More...
idaman bool ida_export append_argloc (qtype *out, const argloc_t &vloc)
 Serialize argument location.
idaman bool ida_export extract_argloc (argloc_t *vloc, const type_t **ptype, bool forbid_stkoff)
 Deserialize an argument location. More...
idaman const type_t *ida_export resolve_typedef (const til_t *til, const type_t *type)
bool is_restype_void (const til_t *til, const type_t *type)
bool is_restype_enum (const til_t *til, const type_t *type)
bool is_restype_struni (const til_t *til, const type_t *type)
bool is_restype_struct (const til_t *til, const type_t *type)
idaman type_t ida_export get_scalar_bt (int size)
idaman til_t *ida_export new_til (const char *name, const char *desc)
 Initialize a til.
idaman int ida_export add_base_tils (qstring *errbuf, til_t *ti, const char *tildir, const char *bases, bool gen_events)
 Add multiple base tils. More...
idaman til_t *ida_export load_til (const char *name, qstring *errbuf, const char *tildir=nullptr)
 Load til from a file without adding it to the database list (see also add_til). More...
idaman bool ida_export sort_til (til_t *ti)
 Sort til (use after modifying it). More...
idaman bool ida_export compact_til (til_t *ti)
 Collect garbage in til. More...
idaman bool ida_export store_til (til_t *ti, const char *tildir, const char *name)
 Store til to a file. More...
idaman void ida_export free_til (til_t *ti)
 Free memory allocated by til.
idaman til_t *ida_export load_til_header (const char *tildir, const char *name, qstring *errbuf)
 Get human-readable til description.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_code_far (cm_t cm)
 Does the given model specify far code?.
THREAD_SAFE bool is_data_far (cm_t cm)
 Does the given model specify far data?.
idaman int ida_export install_custom_argloc (const custloc_desc_t *custloc)
 Save a custom argloc.
idaman bool ida_export remove_custom_argloc (int idx)
 Delete the custom argloc at the given index.
idaman const custloc_desc_t *ida_export retrieve_custom_argloc (int idx)
 Retrieve the custom argloc at the given index.
idaman int ida_export verify_argloc (const argloc_t &vloc, int size, const rangeset_t *gaps)
 Verify argloc_t. More...
idaman bool ida_export optimize_argloc (argloc_t *vloc, int size, const rangeset_t *gaps)
 Verify and optimize scattered argloc into simple form. More...
idaman size_t ida_export print_argloc (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const argloc_t &vloc, int size=0, int vflags=0)
 Convert an argloc to human readable form.
idaman int ida_export for_all_arglocs (aloc_visitor_t &vv, argloc_t &vloc, int size, int off=0)
 Compress larger argloc types and initiate the aloc visitor.
int idaapi for_all_const_arglocs (const_aloc_visitor_t &vv, const argloc_t &vloc, int size, int off=0)
 See for_all_arglocs()
constexpr THREAD_SAFE cm_t get_cc (cm_t cm)
 Get the calling convention.
cm_t get_effective_cc (cm_t cm)
 Get effective calling convention (with respect to default CC)
constexpr THREAD_SAFE bool is_user_cc (cm_t cm)
 Does the calling convention specify argument locations explicitly?
constexpr THREAD_SAFE bool is_vararg_cc (cm_t cm)
 Does the calling convention use ellipsis?
constexpr THREAD_SAFE bool is_purging_cc (cm_t cm)
 Does the calling convention clean the stack arguments upon return?. More...
constexpr bool is_golang_cc (cm_t cc)
 GO language calling convention (return value in stack)?
constexpr bool is_swift_cc (cm_t cc)
 Swift calling convention (arguments and return values in registers)?
THREAD_SAFE comp_t get_comp (comp_t comp)
 Get compiler bits.
idaman const char *ida_export get_compiler_name (comp_t id)
 Get full compiler name.
idaman const char *ida_export get_compiler_abbr (comp_t id)
 Get abbreviated compiler name.
idaman void ida_export get_compilers (compvec_t *ids, qstrvec_t *names, qstrvec_t *abbrs)
 Get names of all built-in compilers.
THREAD_SAFE comp_t is_comp_unsure (comp_t comp)
comp_t default_compiler ()
 Get compiler specified by
bool is_gcc ()
 Is the target compiler COMP_GNU?
bool is_gcc32 ()
 Is the target compiler 32 bit gcc?
bool is_gcc64 ()
 Is the target compiler 64 bit gcc?
bool gcc_layout ()
 Should use the struct/union layout as done by gcc?
idaman bool ida_export set_compiler (const compiler_info_t &cc, int flags, const char *abiname=nullptr)
 Change current compiler. More...
bool idaapi set_compiler_id (comp_t id, const char *abiname=nullptr)
 Set the compiler id (see Compiler IDs)
bool idaapi set_abi_name (const char *abiname, bool user_level=false)
 Set abi name (see Compiler IDs)
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_abi_name (qstring *out)
 Get ABI name. More...
idaman bool ida_export append_abi_opts (const char *abi_opts, bool user_level=false)
 Add/remove/check ABI option General form of full abi name: abiname-opt1-opt2-... or -opt1-opt2-... More...
idaman bool ida_export remove_abi_opts (const char *abi_opts, bool user_level=false)
idaman bool ida_export set_compiler_string (const char *compstr, bool user_level)
bool use_golang_cc ()
 is GOLANG calling convention used by default?
void switch_to_golang ()
 switch to GOLANG calling convention (to be used as default CC)
idaman int ida_export h2ti (til_t *ti, lexer_t *lx, const char *input, int flags=HTI_HIGH, h2ti_type_cb *type_cb=nullptr, h2ti_type_cb *var_cb=nullptr, printer_t *print_cb=nullptr, void *_cb_data=nullptr, abs_t _isabs=ABS_UNK)
 Convert declarations to type_t*. More...
THREAD_SAFE int convert_pt_flags_to_hti (int pt_flags)
 Convert Type parsing flags to Type formatting flags. More...
idaman bool ida_export parse_decl (tinfo_t *out_tif, qstring *out_name, til_t *til, const char *decl, int pt_flags)
 Parse ONE declaration. More...
idaman int ida_export parse_decls (til_t *til, const char *input, printer_t *printer, int hti_flags)
 Parse many declarations and store them in a til. More...
idaman bool ida_export print_type (qstring *out, ea_t ea, int prtype_flags)
 Get type declaration for the specified address. More...
idaman int ida_export get_named_type (const til_t *ti, const char *name, int ntf_flags, const type_t **type=nullptr, const p_list **fields=nullptr, const char **cmt=nullptr, const p_list **fieldcmts=nullptr, sclass_t *sclass=nullptr, uint32 *value=nullptr)
 Get named typeinfo. More...
int idaapi get_named_type64 (const til_t *ti, const char *name, int ntf_flags, const type_t **type=nullptr, const p_list **fields=nullptr, const char **cmt=nullptr, const p_list **fieldcmts=nullptr, sclass_t *sclass=nullptr, uint64 *value=nullptr)
 See get_named_type() above. More...
idaman const char *ida_export tinfo_errstr (tinfo_code_t code)
 Helper function to convert an error code into a printable string. More...
idaman bool ida_export del_named_type (til_t *ti, const char *name, int ntf_flags)
 Delete information about a symbol. More...
idaman const char *ida_export first_named_type (const til_t *ti, int ntf_flags)
 Enumerate types. More...
idaman const char *ida_export next_named_type (const til_t *ti, const char *name, int ntf_flags)
 Enumerate types. More...
idaman uint32 ida_export copy_named_type (til_t *dsttil, const til_t *srctil, const char *name)
 Copy a named type from one til to another. More...
idaman bool ida_export decorate_name (qstring *out, const char *name, bool mangle, cm_t cc=CM_CC_UNKNOWN, const tinfo_t *type=nullptr)
 Decorate/undecorate a C symbol name. More...
idaman bool ida_export gen_decorate_name (qstring *out, const char *name, bool mangle, cm_t cc, const tinfo_t *type)
 Generic function for decorate_name() (may be used in IDP modules)
idaman ssize_t ida_export calc_c_cpp_name (qstring *out, const char *name, const tinfo_t *type, int ccn_flags)
 Get C or C++ form of the name. More...
idaman bool ida_export enable_numbered_types (til_t *ti, bool enable)
 Enable the use of numbered types in til. More...
idaman bool ida_export get_numbered_type (const til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal, const type_t **type=nullptr, const p_list **fields=nullptr, const char **cmt=nullptr, const p_list **fieldcmts=nullptr, sclass_t *sclass=nullptr)
 Retrieve a type by its ordinal number.
idaman uint32 ida_export alloc_type_ordinals (til_t *ti, int qty)
 Allocate a range of ordinal numbers for new types. More...
uint32 alloc_type_ordinal (til_t *ti)
 alloc_type_ordinals(ti, 1)
idaman uint32 ida_export get_ordinal_limit (const til_t *ti=nullptr)
 Get number of allocated ordinals + 1. More...
uint32 get_ordinal_count (const til_t *ti=nullptr)
 Get number of allocated ordinals. More...
idaman tinfo_code_t ida_export set_numbered_type (til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal, int ntf_flags, const char *name, const type_t *type, const p_list *fields=nullptr, const char *cmt=nullptr, const p_list *fldcmts=nullptr, const sclass_t *sclass=nullptr)
 Store a type in the til. More...
idaman bool ida_export del_numbered_type (til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal)
 Delete a numbered type.
idaman bool ida_export set_type_alias (til_t *ti, uint32 src_ordinal, uint32 dst_ordinal)
 Create a type alias. More...
idaman uint32 ida_export get_alias_target (const til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal)
 Find the final alias destination. More...
idaman int32 ida_export get_type_ordinal (const til_t *ti, const char *name)
 Get type ordinal by its name.
idaman const char *ida_export get_numbered_type_name (const til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal)
 Get type name (if exists) by its ordinal. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export create_numbered_type_name (qstring *buf, int32 ord)
 Create anonymous name for numbered type. More...
idaman bool ida_export is_ordinal_name (const char *name, uint32 *ord=nullptr)
 Check if the name is an ordinal name. More...
idaman int ida_export get_ordinal_from_idb_type (const char *name, const type_t *type)
 Get ordinal number of an idb type (struct/enum). More...
bool idaapi is_autosync (const char *name, const type_t *type)
 Is the specified idb type automatically synchronized?
bool idaapi is_autosync (const char *name, const tinfo_t &tif)
 Is the specified idb type automatically synchronized? More...
idaman void ida_export build_anon_type_name (qstring *buf, const type_t *type, const p_list *fields)
 Generate a name like $hex_numbers based on the field types and names.
idaman int ida_export compact_numbered_types (til_t *ti, uint32 min_ord=0, intvec_t *p_ordmap=nullptr, int flags=0)
 Compact numbered types to get rid of empty slots. More...
idaman bool ida_export is_type_choosable (const til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal)
 Check if a struct/union type is choosable. More...
idaman void ida_export set_type_choosable (til_t *ti, uint32 ordinal, bool value)
 Enable/disable 'choosability' flag for a struct/union type. More...
idaman ea_t ida_export get_vftable_ea (uint32 ordinal)
 Get address of a virtual function table. More...
idaman uint32 ida_export get_vftable_ordinal (ea_t vftable_ea)
 Get ordinal number of the virtual function table. More...
idaman bool ida_export set_vftable_ea (uint32 ordinal, ea_t vftable_ea)
 Set the address of a vftable instance for a vftable type. More...
bool del_vftable_ea (uint32 ordinal)
 Delete the address of a vftable instance for a vftable type. More...
size_t get_default_align ()
 Get default alignment for structure fields. More...
THREAD_SAFE void align_size (size_t &cur_tot_size, size_t elem_size, size_t algn)
 Get alignment delta for the a structure field. More...
idaman bool ida_export deref_ptr (ea_t *ptr_ea, const tinfo_t &tif, ea_t *closure_obj=nullptr)
 Dereference a pointer. More...
idaman bool ida_export remove_tinfo_pointer (tinfo_t *tif, const char **pname, const til_t *til=nullptr)
 Remove pointer of a type. More...
idaman tid_t ida_export import_type (const til_t *til, int idx, const char *name, int flags=0)
 Copy a named type from til to idb. More...
idaman int ida_export add_til (const char *name, int flags)
 Load a til file and add it the database type libraries list. More...
idaman bool ida_export del_til (const char *name)
 Unload a til file.
idaman bool ida_export apply_named_type (ea_t ea, const char *name)
 Apply the specified named type to the address. More...
idaman bool ida_export apply_tinfo (ea_t ea, const tinfo_t &tif, uint32 flags)
 Apply the specified type to the specified address. More...
idaman bool ida_export apply_cdecl (til_t *til, ea_t ea, const char *decl, int flags=0)
 Apply the specified type to the address. More...
idaman bool ida_export apply_callee_tinfo (ea_t caller, const tinfo_t &tif)
 Apply the type of the called function to the calling instruction. More...
idaman bool ida_export get_arg_addrs (eavec_t *out, ea_t caller)
 Retrieve argument initialization addresses. More...
idaman bool ida_export apply_once_tinfo_and_name (ea_t dea, const tinfo_t &tif, const char *name)
 Apply the specified type and name to the address. More...
idaman int ida_export guess_tinfo (tinfo_t *out, tid_t id)
 Generate a type information about the id from the disassembly. More...
void set_c_header_path (const char *incdir)
 Set include directory path the target compiler.
ssize_t get_c_header_path (qstring *buf)
 Get the include directory path of the target compiler.
void set_c_macros (const char *macros)
 Set predefined macros for the target compiler.
ssize_t get_c_macros (qstring *buf)
 Get predefined macros for the target compiler.
idaman til_t *ida_export get_idati ()
 Pointer to the local type library - this til is private for each IDB file Functions that accept til_t* default to `idati` when is nullptr provided. More...
idaman bool ida_export get_idainfo_by_type (size_t *out_size, flags_t *out_flags, opinfo_t *out_mt, const tinfo_t &tif, size_t *out_alsize=nullptr)
 Extract information from a tinfo_t. More...
idaman bool ida_export get_idainfo64_by_type (size_t *out_size, flags64_t *out_flags, opinfo_t *out_mt, const tinfo_t &tif, size_t *out_alsize=nullptr)
 Extract information from a tinfo_t. More...
idaman bool ida_export get_tinfo_by_flags (tinfo_t *out, flags64_t flags)
 Get tinfo object that corresponds to data flags. More...
idaman cm_t ida_export guess_func_cc (const func_type_data_t &fti, int npurged, int cc_flags)
 Use func_type_data_t::guess_cc()
idaman bool ida_export dump_func_type_data (qstring *out, const func_type_data_t &fti, int praloc_bits)
 Use func_type_data_t::dump()
bool inf_pack_stkargs (cm_t cc)
bool inf_big_arg_align (cm_t cc)
bool inf_huge_arg_align (cm_t cc)
int get_arg_align (int type_align, int slotsize, cm_t cc=CM_CC_UNKNOWN)
int get_arg_align (const tinfo_t &tif, int slotsize, cm_t cc=CM_CC_UNKNOWN)
sval_t align_stkarg_up (sval_t spoff, int type_align, int slotsize, cm_t cc=CM_CC_UNKNOWN)
sval_t align_stkarg_up (sval_t spoff, const tinfo_t &tif, int slotsize, cm_t cc=CM_CC_UNKNOWN)
tinfo_t remove_pointer (const tinfo_t &tif)
 BT_PTR: If the current type is a pointer, return the pointed object. More...
idaman error_t ida_export unpack_idcobj_from_idb (idc_value_t *obj, const tinfo_t &tif, ea_t ea, const bytevec_t *off0, int pio_flags=0)
 Collection of register objects. More...
idaman error_t ida_export unpack_idcobj_from_bv (idc_value_t *obj, const tinfo_t &tif, const bytevec_t &bytes, int pio_flags=0)
 Read a typed idc object from the byte vector.
idaman error_t ida_export pack_idcobj_to_idb (const idc_value_t *obj, const tinfo_t &tif, ea_t ea, int pio_flags=0)
 Write a typed idc object to the database.
idaman error_t ida_export pack_idcobj_to_bv (const idc_value_t *obj, const tinfo_t &tif, relobj_t *bytes, void *objoff, int pio_flags=0)
 Write a typed idc object to the byte vector. More...
idaman bool ida_export apply_tinfo_to_stkarg (const insn_t &insn, const op_t &x, uval_t v, const tinfo_t &tif, const char *name)
 Helper function for the processor modules. More...
idaman void ida_export gen_use_arg_tinfos2 (struct argtinfo_helper_t *_this, ea_t caller, func_type_data_t *fti, funcargvec_t *rargs)
 Do not call this function directly, use argtinfo_helper_t.
idaman bool ida_export func_has_stkframe_hole (ea_t ea, const func_type_data_t &fti)
 Looks for a hole at the beginning of the stack arguments. More...
idaman int ida_export lower_type (til_t *til, tinfo_t *tif, const char *name=nullptr, lowertype_helper_t *_helper=nullptr)
 Lower type. More...
idaman int ida_export replace_ordinal_typerefs (til_t *til, tinfo_t *tif)
 Replace references to ordinal types by name references. More...
idaman void ida_export begin_type_updating (update_type_t utp)
 Mark the beginning of a large update operation on the types. More...
idaman void ida_export end_type_updating (update_type_t utp)
 Mark the end of a large update operation on the types (see begin_type_updating())
idaman tid_t ida_export get_named_type_tid (const char *name)
 Get named local type TID. More...
idaman bool ida_export get_tid_name (qstring *out, tid_t tid)
 Get a type name for the specified TID. More...
idaman uint32 ida_export get_tid_ordinal (tid_t tid)
 Get type ordinal number for TID. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export get_udm_by_fullname (udm_t *udm, const char *fullname)
 Get udt member by full name. More...
tid_t create_enum_type (const char *enum_name, enum_type_data_t &ei, int enum_width, type_sign_t sign, bool convert_to_bitmask, const char *enum_cmt=nullptr)
 Create type enum. More...
idaman bool ida_export format_cdata (qstrvec_t *outvec, const idc_value_t &idc_value, const tinfo_t *tif, valstr_t *vtree=nullptr, const format_data_info_t *fdi=nullptr)
 Format a data value as a C initializer. More...
idaman int ida_export print_cdata (text_sink_t &printer, const idc_value_t &idc_value, const tinfo_t *tif, const format_data_info_t *fdi=nullptr)
 The same as format_cdata(), but instead of returning the answer in a vector, print it. More...
idaman int ida_export print_decls (text_sink_t &printer, til_t *til, const ordvec_t *ordinals, uint32 pdf_flags)
 Print types (and possibly their dependencies) in a format suitable for using in a header file. More...
idaman int ida_export calc_number_of_children (const argloc_t &loc, const tinfo_t &tif, bool dont_deref_ptr=false)
 Calculate max number of lines of a formatted c data, when expanded (PTV_EXPAND). More...
idaman bool ida_export get_enum_member_expr (qstring *buf, const tinfo_t &tif, int serial, uint64 value)
 Return a C expression that can be used to represent an enum member. More...
idaman bool ida_export choose_named_type (til_symbol_t *out_sym, const til_t *root_til, const char *title, int ntf_flags, predicate_t *predicate=nullptr)
 Choose a type from a type library. More...
idaman uint32 ida_export choose_local_tinfo (const til_t *ti, const char *title, local_tinfo_predicate_t *func=nullptr, uint32 def_ord=0, void *ud=nullptr)
 Choose a type from the local type library. More...
idaman uint32 ida_export choose_local_tinfo_and_delta (int32 *delta, const til_t *ti, const char *title, local_tinfo_predicate_t *func=nullptr, uint32 def_ord=0, void *ud=nullptr)
 Choose a type from the local type library and specify the pointer shift value. More...
idaman ssize_t ida_export visit_edms (const tinfo_t &tif, uint64 value, int nbytes, uchar serial, const enum_type_visitor_t &visitor)
 Visit enum members having the specified value. More...


const type_t TYPE_BASE_MASK = 0x0F
 the low 4 bits define the basic type
const type_t TYPE_FLAGS_MASK = 0x30
 type flags - they have different meaning depending on the basic type
const type_t TYPE_MODIF_MASK = 0xC0
 modifiers. More...
 basic type with type flags
const type_t BT_UNK = 0x00
const type_t BT_VOID = 0x01
const type_t BTMT_SIZE0 = 0x00
 BT_VOID - normal void; BT_UNK - don't use
const type_t BTMT_SIZE12 = 0x10
 size = 1 byte if BT_VOID; 2 if BT_UNK
const type_t BTMT_SIZE48 = 0x20
 size = 4 bytes if BT_VOID; 8 if BT_UNK
const type_t BTMT_SIZE128 = 0x30
 size = 16 bytes if BT_VOID; unknown if BT_UNK (IN struct alignment - see below)
const type_t BT_INT8 = 0x02
const type_t BT_INT16 = 0x03
const type_t BT_INT32 = 0x04
const type_t BT_INT64 = 0x05
const type_t BT_INT128 = 0x06
 __int128 (for alpha & future use)
const type_t BT_INT = 0x07
 natural int. (size provided by idp module)
const type_t BTMT_UNKSIGN = 0x00
 unknown signedness
const type_t BTMT_SIGNED = 0x10
const type_t BTMT_USIGNED = 0x20
const type_t BTMT_CHAR = 0x30
 specify char or segment register More...
const type_t BT_BOOL = 0x08
const type_t BTMT_DEFBOOL = 0x00
 size is model specific or unknown(?)
const type_t BTMT_BOOL1 = 0x10
 size 1byte
const type_t BTMT_BOOL2 = 0x20
 size 2bytes - !inf_is_64bit()
const type_t BTMT_BOOL8 = 0x20
 size 8bytes - inf_is_64bit()
const type_t BTMT_BOOL4 = 0x30
 size 4bytes
const type_t BT_FLOAT = 0x09
const type_t BTMT_FLOAT = 0x00
 float (4 bytes)
const type_t BTMT_DOUBLE = 0x10
 double (8 bytes)
const type_t BTMT_LNGDBL = 0x20
 long double (compiler specific)
const type_t BTMT_SPECFLT = 0x30
 float (variable size). More...
const type_t _BT_LAST_BASIC = BT_FLOAT
 the last basic type, all basic types may be followed by [tah-typeattrs]
const type_t BT_PTR = 0x0A
 pointer. More...
const type_t BTMT_DEFPTR = 0x00
 default for model
const type_t BTMT_NEAR = 0x10
const type_t BTMT_FAR = 0x20
const type_t BTMT_CLOSURE = 0x30
 closure. More...
const type_t BT_ARRAY = 0x0B
const type_t BTMT_NONBASED = 0x10
const type_t BTMT_ARRESERV = 0x20
 reserved bit
const type_t BT_FUNC = 0x0C
 function. More...
const type_t BTMT_DEFCALL = 0x00
 call method - default for model or unknown
const type_t BTMT_NEARCALL = 0x10
 function returns by retn
const type_t BTMT_FARCALL = 0x20
 function returns by retf
const type_t BTMT_INTCALL = 0x30
 function returns by iret in this case cc MUST be 'unknown'
const type_t BT_COMPLEX = 0x0D
 struct/union/enum/typedef. More...
const type_t BTMT_STRUCT = 0x00
 struct: MCNT records: type_t; [sdacl-typeattrs];
const type_t BTMT_UNION = 0x10
 union: MCNT records: type_t...
const type_t BTMT_ENUM = 0x20
 enum: next byte bte_t (see below) N records: de delta(s) OR blocks (see below)
const type_t BTMT_TYPEDEF = 0x30
 named reference always p_string name
const type_t BT_BITFIELD = 0x0E
 bitfield (only in struct) ['bitmasked' enum see below] next byte is dt ((size in bits << 1) | (unsigned ? 1 : 0))
const type_t BTMT_BFLDI8 = 0x00
const type_t BTMT_BFLDI16 = 0x10
const type_t BTMT_BFLDI32 = 0x20
const type_t BTMT_BFLDI64 = 0x30
const type_t BT_RESERVED = 0x0F
const type_t BTM_CONST = 0x40
const type_t BTM_VOLATILE = 0x80
const bte_t BTE_SIZE_MASK = 0x07
 storage size. More...
const bte_t BTE_RESERVED = 0x08
 must be 0, in order to distinguish from a tah-byte
const bte_t BTE_BITMASK = 0x10
 'subarrays'. More...
const bte_t BTE_OUT_MASK = 0x60
 output style mask
const bte_t BTE_HEX = 0x00
const bte_t BTE_CHAR = 0x20
 char or hex
const bte_t BTE_SDEC = 0x40
 signed decimal
const bte_t BTE_UDEC = 0x60
 unsigned decimal
const bte_t BTE_ALWAYS = 0x80
 this bit MUST be present
const type_t BT_SEGREG = (BT_INT | BTMT_CHAR)
 segment register
const type_t BT_UNK_BYTE = (BT_VOID | BTMT_SIZE12)
 1 byte
const type_t BT_UNK_WORD = (BT_UNK | BTMT_SIZE12)
 2 bytes
const type_t BT_UNK_DWORD = (BT_VOID | BTMT_SIZE48)
 4 bytes
const type_t BT_UNK_QWORD = (BT_UNK | BTMT_SIZE48)
 8 bytes
const type_t BT_UNK_OWORD = (BT_VOID | BTMT_SIZE128)
 16 bytes
const type_t BT_UNKNOWN = (BT_UNK | BTMT_SIZE128)
 unknown size - for parameters
const type_t BTF_BYTE = BT_UNK_BYTE
const type_t BTF_UNK = BT_UNKNOWN
const type_t BTF_VOID = BT_VOID | BTMT_SIZE0
const type_t BTF_INT8 = BT_INT8 | BTMT_SIGNED
 signed byte
const type_t BTF_CHAR = BT_INT8 | BTMT_CHAR
 signed char
 unsigned char
const type_t BTF_UINT8 = BT_INT8 | BTMT_USIGNED
 unsigned byte
const type_t BTF_INT16 = BT_INT16 | BTMT_SIGNED
 signed short
const type_t BTF_UINT16 = BT_INT16 | BTMT_USIGNED
 unsigned short
const type_t BTF_INT32 = BT_INT32 | BTMT_SIGNED
 signed int
const type_t BTF_UINT32 = BT_INT32 | BTMT_USIGNED
 unsigned int
const type_t BTF_INT64 = BT_INT64 | BTMT_SIGNED
 signed long
const type_t BTF_UINT64 = BT_INT64 | BTMT_USIGNED
 unsigned long
const type_t BTF_INT128 = BT_INT128 | BTMT_SIGNED
 signed 128-bit value
const type_t BTF_UINT128 = BT_INT128 | BTMT_USIGNED
 unsigned 128-bit value
const type_t BTF_INT = BT_INT | BTMT_UNKSIGN
 int, unknown signedness
 unsigned int
const type_t BTF_SINT = BT_INT | BTMT_SIGNED
 singed int
const type_t BTF_BOOL = BT_BOOL
 long double
const type_sign_t no_sign = 0
 no sign, or unknown
const type_sign_t type_signed = 1
 signed type
const type_sign_t type_unsigned = 2
 unsigned type
const cm_t CM_MASK = 0x03
const cm_t CM_UNKNOWN = 0x00
const cm_t CM_N8_F16 = 0x01
 if sizeof(int)<=2: near 1 byte, far 2 bytes
const cm_t CM_N64 = 0x01
 if sizeof(int)>2: near 8 bytes, far 8 bytes
const cm_t CM_N16_F32 = 0x02
 near 2 bytes, far 4 bytes
const cm_t CM_N32_F48 = 0x03
 near 4 bytes, far 6 bytes
const cm_t CM_M_MASK = 0x0C
const cm_t CM_M_NN = 0x00
 small: code=near, data=near (or unknown if CM_UNKNOWN)
const cm_t CM_M_FF = 0x04
 large: code=far, data=far
const cm_t CM_M_NF = 0x08
 compact: code=near, data=far
const cm_t CM_M_FN = 0x0C
 medium: code=far, data=near
const cm_t CM_CC_MASK = 0xF0
const cm_t CM_CC_INVALID = 0x00
 this value is invalid
const cm_t CM_CC_UNKNOWN = 0x10
 unknown calling convention
const cm_t CM_CC_VOIDARG = 0x20
 function without arguments if has other cc and argnum == 0, represent as f() - unknown list
const cm_t CM_CC_CDECL = 0x30
const cm_t CM_CC_ELLIPSIS = 0x40
 cdecl + ellipsis
const cm_t CM_CC_STDCALL = 0x50
 stack, purged
const cm_t CM_CC_PASCAL = 0x60
 stack, purged, reverse order of args
const cm_t CM_CC_FASTCALL = 0x70
 stack, purged (x86), first args are in regs (compiler-dependent)
const cm_t CM_CC_THISCALL = 0x80
 stack, purged (x86), first arg is in reg (compiler-dependent)
const cm_t CM_CC_SWIFT = 0x90
 (Swift) arguments and return values in registers (compiler-dependent)
const cm_t CM_CC_SPOILED = 0xA0
 This is NOT a cc! Mark of __spoil record the low nibble is count and after n {spoilreg_t} present real cm_t byte. More...
const cm_t CM_CC_GOLANG = 0xB0
 (Go) arguments and return value in stack
const cm_t CM_CC_RESERVE3 = 0xC0
const cm_t CM_CC_SPECIALE = 0xD0
 CM_CC_SPECIAL with ellipsis
const cm_t CM_CC_SPECIALP = 0xE0
 Equal to CM_CC_SPECIAL, but with purged stack.
const cm_t CM_CC_SPECIAL = 0xF0
 usercall: locations of all arguments and the return value are explicitly specified
const type_t BFA_NORET = 0x01
const type_t BFA_PURE = 0x02
const type_t BFA_HIGH = 0x04
 high level prototype (with possibly hidden args)
const type_t BFA_STATIC = 0x08
const type_t BFA_VIRTUAL = 0x10
const cm_t BFA_FUNC_MARKER = 0x0F
 This is NOT a cc! (used internally as a marker)
const type_t BFA_FUNC_EXT_FORMAT = 0x80
 This is NOT a real attribute (used internally as marker for extended format)
const argloc_type_t ALOC_NONE = 0
const argloc_type_t ALOC_STACK = 1
 stack offset
const argloc_type_t ALOC_DIST = 2
 distributed (scattered)
const argloc_type_t ALOC_REG1 = 3
 one register (and offset within it)
const argloc_type_t ALOC_REG2 = 4
 register pair
const argloc_type_t ALOC_RREL = 5
 register relative
const argloc_type_t ALOC_STATIC = 6
 global address
const argloc_type_t ALOC_CUSTOM = 7
 custom argloc (7 or higher)
const cm_t C_PC_TINY = (CM_N16_F32 | CM_M_NN)
const cm_t C_PC_SMALL = (CM_N16_F32 | CM_M_NN)
const cm_t C_PC_COMPACT = (CM_N16_F32 | CM_M_NF)
const cm_t C_PC_MEDIUM = (CM_N16_F32 | CM_M_FN)
const cm_t C_PC_LARGE = (CM_N16_F32 | CM_M_FF)
const cm_t C_PC_HUGE = (CM_N16_F32 | CM_M_FF)
const cm_t C_PC_FLAT = (CM_N32_F48 | CM_M_NN)
const comp_t COMP_MASK = 0x0F
const comp_t COMP_UNK = 0x00
const comp_t COMP_MS = 0x01
 Visual C++.
const comp_t COMP_BC = 0x02
 Borland C++.
const comp_t COMP_WATCOM = 0x03
 Watcom C++.
const comp_t COMP_GNU = 0x06
 GNU C++.
const comp_t COMP_VISAGE = 0x07
 Visual Age C++.
const comp_t COMP_BP = 0x08
const comp_t COMP_UNSURE = 0x80
 uncertain compiler id
const size_t BADSIZE = size_t(-1)
 bad type size
const int FIRST_NONTRIVIAL_TYPID = 0x100
 Denotes the first bit describing a nontrivial type.
const int TYPID_ISREF = 0x100
 Identifies that a type that is a typeref.
const int TYPID_SHIFT = 9
 First type detail bit.

Detailed Description

Describes the type information records in IDA.

The recommended way of using type info is to use the tinfo_t class. The type information is internally kept as an array of bytes terminated by 0.

Items in brackets [] are optional and sometimes are omitted. type_t... means a sequence of type_t bytes which defines a type.

to work with the types of instructions or data in the database, use get_tinfo()/set_tinfo() and similar functions.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define TA_FORMAT   "format"

info about the 'format' argument.

3 times pack_dd: format_functype_t, argument number of 'format', argument number of '...'


decl void ida_export copy_argloc(argloc_t *dst, const argloc_t *src); \
decl void ida_export cleanup_argloc(argloc_t *vloc);\
decl int ida_export compare_arglocs(const argloc_t &a, const argloc_t &b);
Describes an argument location.
Definition: typeinf.hpp:1001

Helper to declare common argloc_t related functions.

Typedef Documentation

◆ edmvec_t

vector of enum values.

for regular enums, no sorting order is defined. for bitmasks, the vector consists of bitmask groups. each non-trivial group (having more than one member or more than one bit in the value) starts with a mask member, the rest of the group has no defined sorting order.

◆ local_tinfo_predicate_t

typedef int idaapi local_tinfo_predicate_t(uint32 ord, const tinfo_t &type, void *ud)

Controls which types are displayed/selected when choosing local types.

Return values
0skip type

◆ enum_type_visitor_t

using enum_type_visitor_t = std::function<ssize_t(const struct enum_type_data_t &ei, size_t idx, uint64 value, uint64 bmask)>

Callback for visit_edms.

eienum type details
idxconstant index
valueapplied value
bmaskgroup bitmask
0 to continue, stop visiting enum members otherwise

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ sclass_t

enum sclass_t

< storage class

















◆ stock_type_id_t

IDs for common types.


char *


uint8 *


const char *


const uint8 *




int *


unsigned int *


void *


void **


const void *






const char[]


const uint8[]


void __userpurge(int)


void __cdecl(void *)


void *(void *, const char *, ...)


int __fastcall __pure(int64 x, int64 y)


int __fastcall __pure(uint64 x, uint64 y)


unused stock type id; should not be used






void __fastcall(void *, const void *, size_t)


void __fastcall(void *, size_t, int)


void __fastcall(void *, size_t)


int16 __fastcall(int16 x)


int32 __fastcall(int32 x)


int64 __fastcall(int64 x)


struct complex64_t { float real, imag; }


struct complex128_t { double real, imag; }

◆ gtd_udt_t

enum gtd_udt_t

Constants to be used with get_udt_details()


calculate udt layout


don't calculate udt layout please note that udt layout may have been calculated earlier


delete udt bitfields

◆ gtd_func_t

enum gtd_func_t

Constants to be used with get_func_details()


calculate func arg locations


don't calculate func arg locations please note that the locations may have been calculated earlier

◆ gts_code_t

enum gts_code_t

Constants to be used with get_size()


nested type (embedded into a udt)


is baseclass of a udt

Function Documentation

◆ is_tah_byte()

THREAD_SAFE bool is_tah_byte ( type_t  t)

The TAH byte (type attribute header byte) denotes the start of type attributes.

(see "tah-typeattrs" in the type bit definitions)

◆ is_sdacl_byte()

THREAD_SAFE bool is_sdacl_byte ( type_t  t)

Identify an sdacl byte.

The first sdacl byte has the following format: 11xx000x. The sdacl bytes are appended to udt fields. They indicate the start of type attributes (as the tah-bytes do). The sdacl bytes are used in the udt headers instead of the tah-byte. This is done for compatibility with old databases, they were already using sdacl bytes in udt headers and as udt field postfixes. (see "sdacl-typeattrs" in the type bit definitions)

◆ operator<()

THREAD_SAFE bool operator< ( const bytevec_t v1,
const bytevec_t v2 

Compare two bytevecs with '<'.

v1 is considered less than v2 if either:

  • v1.size() < v2.size()
  • there is some i such that v1[i] < v2[i]

◆ extract_argloc()

idaman bool ida_export extract_argloc ( argloc_t vloc,
const type_t **  ptype,
bool  forbid_stkoff 

Deserialize an argument location.

Argument FORBID_STKOFF checks location type. It can be used, for example, to check the return location of a function that cannot return a value in the stack

◆ add_base_tils()

idaman int ida_export add_base_tils ( qstring errbuf,
til_t ti,
const char *  tildir,
const char *  bases,
bool  gen_events 

Add multiple base tils.

[out]errbuferror message
titarget til
tildirdirectory where specified tils can be found. nullptr means all default til subdirectories.
basescomma separated list of til names
gen_eventsgenerate corresponding IDB events
one of Add TIL result codes

◆ load_til()

idaman til_t *ida_export load_til ( const char *  name,
qstring errbuf,
const char *  tildir = nullptr 

Load til from a file without adding it to the database list (see also add_til).

Failure to load base tils are reported into 'errbuf'. They do not prevent loading of the main til.

namefilename of the til. If it's an absolute path, tildir is ignored.
  • NB: the file extension is forced to .til
[out]errbuferror message
tildirdirectory where to load the til from. nullptr means default til subdirectories.
pointer to resulting til, nullptr if failed and error message is in errbuf

◆ sort_til()

idaman bool ida_export sort_til ( til_t ti)

Sort til (use after modifying it).

false if no memory or bad parameter

◆ compact_til()

idaman bool ida_export compact_til ( til_t ti)

Collect garbage in til.

Must be called before storing the til.

true if any memory was freed

◆ store_til()

idaman bool ida_export store_til ( til_t ti,
const char *  tildir,
const char *  name 

Store til to a file.

If the til contains garbage, it will be collected before storing the til. Your plugin should call compact_til() before calling store_til().

titype library to store
tildirdirectory where to store the til. nullptr means current directory.
namefilename of the til. If it's an absolute path, tildir is ignored.
  • NB: the file extension is forced to .til

◆ get_default_align()

size_t get_default_align ( )

Get default alignment for structure fields.

one of 1,2,4,8,...

◆ align_size()

THREAD_SAFE void align_size ( size_t &  cur_tot_size,
size_t  elem_size,
size_t  algn 

Get alignment delta for the a structure field.

cur_tot_sizethe structure size calculated so far
elem_sizesize of the current field. the whole structure should be calculated
algnthe structure alignment (0,1,2,4,8...)

◆ deref_ptr()

idaman bool ida_export deref_ptr ( ea_t *  ptr_ea,
const tinfo_t tif,
ea_t *  closure_obj = nullptr 

Dereference a pointer.

[out]ptr_eain/out parameter
  • in: address of the pointer
  • out: the pointed address
tiftype of the pointer
[out]closure_objclosure object (not used yet)

◆ remove_tinfo_pointer()

idaman bool ida_export remove_tinfo_pointer ( tinfo_t tif,
const char **  pname,
const til_t til = nullptr 

Remove pointer of a type.

(i.e. convert "char *" into "char"). Optionally remove the "lp" (or similar) prefix of the input name. If the input type is not a pointer, then fail.

◆ import_type()

idaman tid_t ida_export import_type ( const til_t til,
int  idx,
const char *  name,
int  flags = 0 

Copy a named type from til to idb.

tiltype library
idxthe position of the new type in the list of types (structures or enums). -1 means at the end of the list
namethe type name
flagscombination of Import type flags
BADNODE on error

◆ add_til()

idaman int ida_export add_til ( const char *  name,
int  flags 

Load a til file and add it the database type libraries list.

IDA will also apply function prototypes for matching function names.

nametil name
flagscombination of Load TIL flags
one of Load TIL result codes

◆ apply_named_type()

idaman bool ida_export apply_named_type ( ea_t  ea,
const char *  name 

Apply the specified named type to the address.

ealinear address
namethe type name, e.g. "FILE"

◆ apply_tinfo()

idaman bool ida_export apply_tinfo ( ea_t  ea,
const tinfo_t tif,
uint32  flags 

Apply the specified type to the specified address.

This function sets the type and tries to convert the item at the specified address to conform the type.

ealinear address
tiftype string in internal format
flagscombination of Apply tinfo flags

◆ apply_cdecl()

idaman bool ida_export apply_cdecl ( til_t til,
ea_t  ea,
const char *  decl,
int  flags = 0 

Apply the specified type to the address.

This function parses the declaration and calls apply_tinfo()

tiltype library
ealinear address
decltype declaration in C form
flagsflags to pass to apply_tinfo (TINFO_DEFINITE is always passed)

◆ apply_callee_tinfo()

idaman bool ida_export apply_callee_tinfo ( ea_t  caller,
const tinfo_t tif 

Apply the type of the called function to the calling instruction.

This function will append parameter comments and rename the local variables of the calling function. It also stores information about the instructions that initialize call arguments in the database. Use get_arg_addrs() to retrieve it if necessary. Alternatively it is possible to hook to processor_t::arg_addrs_ready event.

callerlinear address of the calling instruction. must belong to a function.
tiftype info

◆ get_arg_addrs()

idaman bool ida_export get_arg_addrs ( eavec_t out,
ea_t  caller 

Retrieve argument initialization addresses.

This function retrieves information about argument addresses. This information is stored in the database by apply_callee_tinfo().

outlinear addresses of the instructions that load call arguments
calleraddress of the call instruction

◆ apply_once_tinfo_and_name()

idaman bool ida_export apply_once_tinfo_and_name ( ea_t  dea,
const tinfo_t tif,
const char *  name 

Apply the specified type and name to the address.

This function checks if the address already has a type. If the old type
does not exist or the new type is 'better' than the old type, then the
new type will be applied. A type is considered better if it has more
information (e.g. BTMT_STRUCT is better than BT_INT).
The same logic is with the name: if the address already have a meaningful
name, it will be preserved. Only if the old name does not exist or it
is a dummy name like byte_123, it will be replaced by the new name.

dealinear address
tiftype string in the internal format
namenew name for the address

◆ guess_tinfo()

idaman int ida_export guess_tinfo ( tinfo_t out,
tid_t  id 

Generate a type information about the id from the disassembly.

id can be a structure/union/enum id or an address.

one of Guess tinfo codes

◆ get_idati()

idaman til_t *ida_export get_idati ( )

Pointer to the local type library - this til is private for each IDB file Functions that accept til_t* default to `idati` when is nullptr provided.

◆ get_idainfo_by_type()

idaman bool ida_export get_idainfo_by_type ( size_t *  out_size,
flags_t out_flags,
opinfo_t out_mt,
const tinfo_t tif,
size_t *  out_alsize = nullptr 

Extract information from a tinfo_t.

[out]out_sizesize of tif
[out]out_flagsdescription of type using flags_t
[out]out_mtinfo for non-scalar types
tifthe type to inspect

◆ get_idainfo64_by_type()

idaman bool ida_export get_idainfo64_by_type ( size_t *  out_size,
flags64_t out_flags,
opinfo_t out_mt,
const tinfo_t tif,
size_t *  out_alsize = nullptr 

Extract information from a tinfo_t.

[out]out_sizesize of tif
[out]out_flagsdescription of type using flags64_t
[out]out_mtinfo for non-scalar types
tifthe type to inspect

◆ get_tinfo_by_flags()

idaman bool ida_export get_tinfo_by_flags ( tinfo_t out,
flags64_t  flags 

Get tinfo object that corresponds to data flags.

[out]outtype info
flagssimple flags (byte, word, ..., zword)

◆ remove_pointer()

tinfo_t remove_pointer ( const tinfo_t tif)

BT_PTR: If the current type is a pointer, return the pointed object.

If the current type is not a pointer, return the current type. See also get_ptrarr_object() and get_pointed_object()

◆ unpack_idcobj_from_idb()

idaman error_t ida_export unpack_idcobj_from_idb ( idc_value_t obj,
const tinfo_t tif,
ea_t  ea,
const bytevec_t off0,
int  pio_flags = 0 

Collection of register objects.

Read a typed idc object from the database

◆ pack_idcobj_to_bv()

idaman error_t ida_export pack_idcobj_to_bv ( const idc_value_t obj,
const tinfo_t tif,
relobj_t bytes,
void *  objoff,
int  pio_flags = 0 

Write a typed idc object to the byte vector.

Byte vector may be non-empty, this function will append data to it

◆ apply_tinfo_to_stkarg()

idaman bool ida_export apply_tinfo_to_stkarg ( const insn_t insn,
const op_t x,
uval_t  v,
const tinfo_t tif,
const char *  name 

Helper function for the processor modules.

to be called from processor_t::use_stkarg_type

◆ func_has_stkframe_hole()

idaman bool ida_export func_has_stkframe_hole ( ea_t  ea,
const func_type_data_t fti 

Looks for a hole at the beginning of the stack arguments.

Will make use of the IDB's func_t function at that place (if present) to help determine the presence of such a hole.

◆ lower_type()

idaman int ida_export lower_type ( til_t til,
tinfo_t tif,
const char *  name = nullptr,
lowertype_helper_t _helper = nullptr 

Lower type.

Inspect the type and lower all function subtypes using lower_func_type().
We call the prototypes usually encountered in source files "high level"
They may have implicit arguments, array arguments, big structure retvals, etc
We introduce explicit arguments (i.e. 'this' pointer) and call the result
"low level prototype". See FTI_HIGH.

In order to improve heuristics for recognition of big structure retvals,
it is recommended to pass a helper that will be used to make decisions.
That helper will be used only for lowering 'tif', and not for the children
types walked through by recursion.

Return values
1removed FTI_HIGH,
2made substantial changes

◆ replace_ordinal_typerefs()

idaman int ida_export replace_ordinal_typerefs ( til_t til,
tinfo_t tif 

Replace references to ordinal types by name references.

This function 'unties' the type from the current local type library and makes it easier to export it.

tiltype library to use. may be nullptr.
tiftype to modify (in/out)
Return values
numberof replaced subtypes, -1 on failure

◆ begin_type_updating()

idaman void ida_export begin_type_updating ( update_type_t  utp)

Mark the beginning of a large update operation on the types.

Can be used with add_enum_member(), add_struc_member, etc... Also see end_type_updating()

◆ format_cdata()

idaman bool ida_export format_cdata ( qstrvec_t outvec,
const idc_value_t idc_value,
const tinfo_t tif,
valstr_t vtree = nullptr,
const format_data_info_t fdi = nullptr 

Format a data value as a C initializer.

outvecbuffer for the formatted string(s). may be nullptr
idc_valuevalue to format
tiftype of the data to format. if nullptr and PTV_DEREF is specified, take tinfo from idb
vtreemore detailed output info
fdiformatting options
success. if failed, see qerrno for more info

◆ print_cdata()

idaman int ida_export print_cdata ( text_sink_t printer,
const idc_value_t idc_value,
const tinfo_t tif,
const format_data_info_t fdi = nullptr 

The same as format_cdata(), but instead of returning the answer in a vector, print it.

This function can handle very huge data volume without using too much memory. As soon as the output text becomes too long, the function prints it and flushes its internal buffers.

Return values
-1printing failed, check qerrno
elsecode returned by text_sink_t::print()

◆ print_decls()

idaman int ida_export print_decls ( text_sink_t printer,
til_t til,
const ordvec_t ordinals,
uint32  pdf_flags 

Print types (and possibly their dependencies) in a format suitable for using in a header file.

This is the reverse parse_decls().

printera handler for printing text
tilthe type library holding the ordinals
ordinalsordinals of types to export. nullptr means: all ordinals in til
pdf_flagsflags for the algorithm. A combination of PDF_ constants
Return values
>0the number of types exported
0an error occurred
<0the negated number of types exported. There were minor errors and the resulting output might not be compilable.

◆ calc_number_of_children()

idaman int ida_export calc_number_of_children ( const argloc_t loc,
const tinfo_t tif,
bool  dont_deref_ptr = false 

Calculate max number of lines of a formatted c data, when expanded (PTV_EXPAND).

loclocation of the data (ALOC_STATIC or ALOC_CUSTOM)
tiftype info
dont_deref_ptrconsider 'ea' as the ptr value
Return values
0data is not expandable
-1error, see qerrno
elsethe max number of lines

◆ get_enum_member_expr()

idaman bool ida_export get_enum_member_expr ( qstring buf,
const tinfo_t tif,
int  serial,
uint64  value 

Return a C expression that can be used to represent an enum member.

If the value does not correspond to any single enum member, this function tries to find a bitwise combination of enum members that correspond to it. If more than half of value bits do not match any enum members, it fails.

bufoutput buffer
tifenumeration type
serialwhich enumeration member to use (0 means the first with the given value)
valuevalue to search in the enumeration type

◆ choose_named_type()

idaman bool ida_export choose_named_type ( til_symbol_t out_sym,
const til_t root_til,
const char *  title,
int  ntf_flags,
predicate_t predicate = nullptr 

Choose a type from a type library.

out_sympointer to be filled with the chosen type
root_tilpointer to starting til (the function will inspect the base tils if allowed by flags)
titletitle of listbox to display
ntf_flagscombination of Flags for named types
predicatepredicate to select types to display (maybe nullptr)
false if nothing is chosen, otherwise true

◆ choose_local_tinfo()

idaman uint32 ida_export choose_local_tinfo ( const til_t ti,
const char *  title,
local_tinfo_predicate_t func = nullptr,
uint32  def_ord = 0,
void *  ud = nullptr 

Choose a type from the local type library.

tipointer to til
titletitle of listbox to display
funcpredicate to select types to display (maybe nullptr)
def_ordordinal to position cursor before choose
uduser data
== 0 means nothing is chosen, otherwise an ordinal number

◆ choose_local_tinfo_and_delta()

idaman uint32 ida_export choose_local_tinfo_and_delta ( int32 delta,
const til_t ti,
const char *  title,
local_tinfo_predicate_t func = nullptr,
uint32  def_ord = 0,
void *  ud = nullptr 

Choose a type from the local type library and specify the pointer shift value.

deltapointer shift value
tipointer to til
titletitle of listbox to display
funcpredicate to select types to display (maybe nullptr)
def_ordordinal to position cursor before choose
uduser data
== 0 means nothing is chosen, otherwise an ordinal number

◆ visit_edms()

idaman ssize_t ida_export visit_edms ( const tinfo_t tif,
uint64  value,
int  nbytes,
uchar  serial,
const enum_type_visitor_t visitor 

Visit enum members having the specified value.

tifenum type
valuevalue to visit
nbytessize of value in bytes
serialuse the enum constant with the specified serial; if it does not exist, use serial 0
visitorthe visitor function
-1 if TIF is not a enum type; code from VISITOR or 0 if no member was visited
1. For ordinary enums, two values are checked for equality: * the zero-extended VALUE * the sign-extended VALUE 2. For bitmask enums, the following members are visited: * the regular member of the bitmask group * the bitmask itself 3. Enum constant with value 0 is acceptable