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gdl.hpp File Reference

Low level graph drawing operations. More...


class  intset_t
 Set of integer constants. More...
class  intmap_t
 Map of integer constants to integer constants. More...
class  node_set_t
 Set of graph nodes. More...
class  node_iterator
 Node iterator (used to draw graphs) More...
class  gdl_graph_t
 gdl graph interface - includes only functions required to draw it More...
class  cancellable_graph_t
struct  qbasic_block_t
 Information about a basic block of a qflow_chart_t. More...
class  qflow_chart_t
 A flow chart for a function, or a set of address ranges. More...


#define DECLARE_HELPER(decl)
#define CHART_PRINT_NAMES   0x1000
 print labels for each block?
#define CHART_GEN_DOT   0x2000
 generate .dot file (file extension is forced to .dot)
#define CHART_GEN_GDL   0x4000
 generate .gdl file (file extension is forced to .gdl)
#define CHART_WINGRAPH   0x8000
 call grapher to display the graph
#define CHART_NOLIBFUNCS   0x0400
 don't include library functions in the graph
#define CHART_REFERENCING   0x0001
 references to the addresses in the list
#define CHART_REFERENCED   0x0002
 references from the addresses in the list
#define CHART_RECURSIVE   0x0004
 analyze added blocks
 analyze references to added blocks only in the direction of the reference who discovered the current block
#define CHART_IGNORE_XTRN   0x0010
#define CHART_IGNORE_DATA_BSS   0x0020
#define CHART_IGNORE_LIB_TO   0x0040
 ignore references to library functions
#define CHART_IGNORE_LIB_FROM   0x0080
 ignore references from library functions
#define CHART_PRINT_COMMENTS   0x0100
#define CHART_PRINT_DOTS   0x0200
 print dots if xrefs exist outside of the range recursion depth
#define FC_PRINT   0x0001
 print names (used only by display_flow_chart())
#define FC_NOEXT   0x0002
 do not compute external blocks. More...
#define FC_RESERVED   0x0004
#define FC_APPND   0x0008
 multirange flowchart (set by append_to_flowchart)
#define FC_CHKBREAK   0x0010
 build_qflow_chart() may be aborted by user
#define FC_CALL_ENDS   0x0020
 call instructions terminate basic blocks
#define FC_NOPREDS   0x0040
 do not compute predecessor lists
#define FC_OUTLINES   0x0080
 include outlined code (with FUNC_OUTLINE)


typedef qvector< intvec_tarray_of_intvec_t
typedef qvector< intmap_tarray_of_intmap_t
typedef qvector< node_set_tarray_of_node_set_t


enum  fc_block_type_t {
  fcb_normal , fcb_indjump , fcb_ret , fcb_cndret ,
  fcb_noret , fcb_enoret , fcb_extern , fcb_error
 Flow chart block types. More...


idaman void ida_export gen_gdl (const gdl_graph_t *g, const char *fname)
 Create GDL file for graph.
idaman int ida_export display_gdl (const char *fname)
 Display GDL file by calling wingraph32. More...
idaman bool ida_export gen_flow_graph (const char *filename, const char *title, func_t *pfn, ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2, int gflags)
 Build and display a flow graph. More...
idaman bool ida_export gen_simple_call_chart (const char *filename, const char *wait, const char *title, int gflags)
 Build and display a simple function call graph. More...
idaman bool ida_export gen_complex_call_chart (const char *filename, const char *wait, const char *title, ea_t ea1, ea_t ea2, int flags, int32 recursion_depth=-1)
 Build and display a complex xref graph. More...
idaman void ida_export setup_graph_subsystem (const char *_grapher, bgcolor_t(idaapi *get_graph_color)(int color))
 Setup the user-defined graph colors and graph viewer program. More...
THREAD_SAFE bool is_noret_block (fc_block_type_t btype)
 Does this block never return?
THREAD_SAFE bool is_ret_block (fc_block_type_t btype)
 Does this block return?

Detailed Description

Low level graph drawing operations.

Macro Definition Documentation


#define DECLARE_HELPER (   decl)
decl node_iterator *ida_export node_iterator_goup(node_iterator *); \
decl void ida_export create_qflow_chart(qflow_chart_t &); \
decl bool ida_export append_to_flowchart(qflow_chart_t &, ea_t, ea_t); \
decl fc_block_type_t ida_export fc_calc_block_type(const qflow_chart_t &, size_t); \
decl bool ida_export create_multirange_qflow_chart(qflow_chart_t &, const rangevec_t &);
Node iterator (used to draw graphs)
Definition: gdl.hpp:105
A flow chart for a function, or a set of address ranges.
Definition: gdl.hpp:320
Flow chart block types.
Definition: gdl.hpp:30
Vector of range_t instances.
Definition: range.hpp:93

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ fc_block_type_t

Flow chart block types.


normal block


block ends with indirect jump


return block


conditional return block


noreturn block


external noreturn block (does not belong to the function)


external normal block


block passes execution past the function end

Function Documentation

◆ display_gdl()

idaman int ida_export display_gdl ( const char *  fname)

Display GDL file by calling wingraph32.

The exact name of the grapher is taken from the configuration file and set up by setup_graph_subsystem(). The path should point to a temporary file: when wingraph32 succeeds showing the graph, the input file will be deleted.

error code from os, 0 if ok

◆ gen_flow_graph()

idaman bool ida_export gen_flow_graph ( const char *  filename,
const char *  title,
func_t pfn,
ea_t  ea1,
ea_t  ea2,
int  gflags 

Build and display a flow graph.

filenameoutput file name. the file extension is not used. maybe nullptr.
titlegraph title
pfnfunction to graph
ea1,ea2if pfn == nullptr, then the address range
gflagscombination of Flow graph building flags. if none of CHART_GEN_DOT, CHART_GEN_GDL, CHART_WINGRAPH is specified, the function will return false
success. if fails, a warning message is displayed on the screen

◆ gen_simple_call_chart()

idaman bool ida_export gen_simple_call_chart ( const char *  filename,
const char *  wait,
const char *  title,
int  gflags 

Build and display a simple function call graph.

filenameoutput file name. the file extension is not used. maybe nullptr.
waitmessage to display during graph building
titlegraph title
gflagscombination of CHART_NOLIBFUNCS and Flow graph building flags. if none of CHART_GEN_DOT, CHART_GEN_GDL, CHART_WINGRAPH is specified, the function will return false.
success. if fails, a warning message is displayed on the screen

◆ gen_complex_call_chart()

idaman bool ida_export gen_complex_call_chart ( const char *  filename,
const char *  wait,
const char *  title,
ea_t  ea1,
ea_t  ea2,
int  flags,
int32  recursion_depth = -1 

Build and display a complex xref graph.

filenameoutput file name. the file extension is not used. maybe nullptr.
waitmessage to display during graph building
titlegraph title
ea1,ea2address range
flagscombination of Call chart building flags and Flow graph building flags. if none of CHART_GEN_DOT, CHART_GEN_GDL, CHART_WINGRAPH is specified, the function will return false.
recursion_depthoptional limit of recursion
success. if fails, a warning message is displayed on the screen

◆ setup_graph_subsystem()

idaman void ida_export setup_graph_subsystem ( const char *  _grapher,
bgcolor_t(idaapi *)(int color)  get_graph_color 

Setup the user-defined graph colors and graph viewer program.

This function is called by the GUI at the beginning, so no need to call it again.